Virginia Woolf művei - 4. oldal

Virginia Woolf: Mrs. Dalloway a Bond Streeten és más elbeszélések - Mrs Dalloway in Bond Street & other stories könyv

Mrs. Dalloway a Bond Streeten és más elbeszélések - Mrs Dalloway in Bond Street & other stories

Kossuth Kiadó, 2017

Olvasd, hallgasd, gyakorold! Angol-magyar kétnyelvű irodalmi nyelvoktató sorozat tanuláshoz, szintentartáshoz. Sorozatunkban az angol...



Virginia Woolf: Mrs. Dalloway-A világítótorony-Hullámok antikvár

Mrs. Dalloway-A világítótorony-Hullámok

Eiffel Antikvárium

közepes állapotú antikvár könyv

Európa Könyvkiadó, 1987

Online ár:

4 000 Ft

Virginia Woolf, Gy. Horváth László (szerk.), Tandori Dezső (ford.): Mrs. Dalloway - Tandori Dezső fordításában (Európa 2012-es kiadás; Saját képpel!) könyv

Mrs. Dalloway - Tandori Dezső fordításában (Európa 2012-es kiadás; Saját képpel!)

FÜLSZÖVEG Egy ötvenes éveiben járó úrinő, Clarissa Dalloway, egy konzervatív politikus felesége London belvárosában sétálgat. Estélyt ké...



Virginia Woolf: Mrs Dalloway idegen

Mrs Dalloway

Harper Collins, 2013

HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics. Clarissa Dalloway is a woman of high-society...

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1 756 Ft

Eredeti ár: 2 065 Ft

Virginia Woolf: Mrs Dalloway e-Könyv

Mrs Dalloway

Booklassic, 2015

Mrs Dalloway (published on 14 May 1925) is a novel by Virginia Woolf that details a day in the life of Clarissa Dalloway in post-World Wa...

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299 Ft

Woolf, Virginia: Mrs Dalloway idegen
Woolf, Virginia

Mrs Dalloway

Anaconda Verlag, 2013

An einem sonnigen Junimorgen des Jahres 1923 beginnt die begüterte Clarissa Dalloway mit den Vorbereitungen für eine elegante Abendgesell...

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3 406 Ft

Eredeti ár: 3 585 Ft

Woolf, Virginia: Mrs Dalloway idegen
Woolf, Virginia

Mrs Dalloway

Random House UK Ltd, 2016

Virginia Woolf was born in London in 1882. After her father's death in 1904 Virginia and her sister, the painter Vanessa Bell, moved to B...

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5 094 Ft

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Virginia Woolf: Mrs Dalloway idegen

Mrs Dalloway - Wordsworth Collector's Editions

Wordsworth Editions, 2022

Virginia Woolf's singular technique in Mrs Dalloway heralds a break with the traditional novel form and reflects a genuine humanity and a...

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5 517 Ft

Eredeti ár: 6 490 Ft

Woolf, Virginia: Mrs Dalloway idegen
Woolf, Virginia

Mrs Dalloway

Penguin Books Ltd (UK), 2018

On a June morning in 1923, Clarissa Dalloway is preparing for a party and remembering her past. Elsewhere in London, Septimus Smith is su...

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4 462 Ft

Eredeti ár: 4 696 Ft

Virginia Woolf: Mrs Dalloway könyv

Mrs Dalloway

Oxford University Press, 2009

Set on a hot London day in June 1923, Mrs Dalloway explores both the raw hold of the past and the brighter potential of the future. The t...



Woolf, Virginia: Mrs Dalloway idegen
Woolf, Virginia

Mrs Dalloway

Penguin Books Ltd (UK), 2020

'One of the most moving, revolutionary artworks of the twentieth century' Michael Cunningham Clarissa Dalloway, elegant and vivacious, is...

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4 462 Ft

Eredeti ár: 4 696 Ft

Woolf, Virginia: Mrs Dalloway idegen
Woolf, Virginia

Mrs Dalloway - Englische Lektüre für das 6. Lernjahr. C1. Lektüre mit Audio-Online . Lektüre mit Audio-Online

Klett Sprachen GmbH, 2024

London 1923. Der Erste Weltkrieg ist seit fünf Jahren vorbei, aber seine Auswirkungen sind immer noch in der Metropole zu spüren. Eine Be...

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5 612 Ft

Eredeti ár: 5 907 Ft

Woolf, Virginia: Mrs Dalloway idegen
Woolf, Virginia

Mrs Dalloway - Reclams Klassikerinnen

Reclam, Philipp, jun. Verlag GmbH, 2023

Einer der berühmtesten Romane der englischen Literatur schildert einen einzigen Tag im Leben einer Frau - und fasst zugleich die Tiefe ei...

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5 110 Ft

Eredeti ár: 5 378 Ft

Woolf, Virginia: Mrs Dalloway idegen
Woolf, Virginia

Mrs Dalloway - Roman

FISCHER Taschenbuch, 2023

»Eine der wenigen echten Innovationen in der Geschichte des Romans.« The New Yorker Ein Junitag im Jahre 1923. Ein einziger geschäftiger ...

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6 374 Ft

Eredeti ár: 6 709 Ft

Woolf, Virginia: Mrs Dalloway idegen
Woolf, Virginia

Mrs Dalloway

Vintage Publishing, 2025

Celebrate the 100th birthday of a groundbreaking novel with this limited run special edition. Clarissa Dalloway is preparing to give a pa...



Woolf, Virginia: Mrs Dalloway idegen
Woolf, Virginia

Mrs Dalloway

Oxford University Press, 2025

A new edition of Virginia Woolf's Mrs Dalloway, detailing a single day in the life of Clarissa Dalloway in June 1923. This edition is ful...



Woolf, Virginia: Mrs Dalloway idegen
Woolf, Virginia

Mrs Dalloway - Mit einem Essay von Ulrike Draesner

Reclam, Philipp, jun. Verlag GmbH, 2019

Klassikerinnen neu entdeckt von Schriftstellerinnen der Gegenwart Einer der berühmtesten Romane der englischen Literatur erzählt einen ei...

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4 252 Ft

Eredeti ár: 4 475 Ft

Woolf, Virginia: Mrs Dalloway idegen
Woolf, Virginia

Mrs Dalloway

Arcturus Publishing Ltd, 2025

The elegant Clarissa Dalloway prepares to host a high-society party. Meanwhile, Septimus Smith struggles with the after-effects of shell-...



Woolf, Virginia: Mrs Dalloway idegen
Woolf, Virginia

Mrs Dalloway

Penguin Books Ltd (UK), 2019

'One of the most moving, revolutionary artworks of the twentieth century' Michael Cunningham Clarissa Dalloway, elegant and vivacious, is...

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4 473 Ft

Eredeti ár: 4 708 Ft

Woolf, Virginia: Mrs Dalloway idegen
Woolf, Virginia

Mrs Dalloway

Pan Macmillan, 2025

Virginia Woolf's stream-of-consciousness modernist masterpiece.



Virginia Woolf: Mrs Dalloway (Penguin Popular Classics)- angol nyelvű antikvár

Mrs Dalloway (Penguin Popular Classics)- angol nyelvű

Könyvlabirintus Antikvárium

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Penguin Books, 1996

Online ár:

3 200 Ft

Virginia Woolf: Mrs Dalloway in Bond Street e-Könyv

Mrs Dalloway in Bond Street

Booklassic, 2015

Mrs Dalloway in Bond Street was written in the year 1923 by Virginia Woolf. This book is one of the most popular novels of Virginia Woolf...

Online ár:

299 Ft

Virginia Woolf: Mrs Dalloway - Penguin Clothbound Classics idegen

Mrs Dalloway - Penguin Clothbound Classics

Penguin Classics, 2024

Clarissa Dalloway, elegant and vivacious, is preparing for a party and remembering those she once loved. In another part of London, Septi...

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7 472 Ft

Eredeti ár: 8 790 Ft

Woolf, Virginia: Mrs Dalloways Party idegen
Woolf, Virginia

Mrs Dalloways Party

Dörlemann Verlag AG, 2025

In ihrem konzeptionell wohl bedeutendsten Roman Mrs Dalloway, der zugleich ein Klassiker der Moderne ist, zeichnet Virginia Woolf einen e...



Woolf, Virginia: Nacht und Tag idegen
Woolf, Virginia

Nacht und Tag

S. FISCHER Verlag GmbH, 2009

Virginia Woolfs subtile Gesellschaftskomödie aus viktorianischer Zeit Katharine Hilbery, wohlerzogene Tochter aus der Londoner Oberschich...

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14 481 Ft

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Virginia Woolf: Night and Day idegen

Night and Day

Katherine Hilbery, torn between past and present, is a figure reflecting Woolf's own struggle with history. Both have illustrious literar...



Virginia Woolf: Night and Day e-Könyv

Night and Day

Booklassic, 2015

Set in Edwardian London, Night and Day contrasts the daily lives and romantic attachments of two acquaintances, Katharine Hilbery and Mar...

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299 Ft

Virginia, Woolf: Night and Day idegen
Virginia, Woolf

Night and Day

Culturea, 2023

Originally published in October 1919, Night and Day is Virginia Woolf's second novel. It contrasts the daily lives of four major characte...

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14 923 Ft

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Woolf, Virginia: Night and Day idegen
Woolf, Virginia

Night and Day

Alma Books Ltd., 2022

As Katharine Hilbery, the granddaughter of a famous man of letters buried in Poets' Corner, is helping her mother write the biography of ...

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5 125 Ft

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Virginia Woolf: Night and day antikvár


3 790 Ft - 3 990 Ft

Woolf, Virginia: Oh, to Be a Painter! idegen
Woolf, Virginia

Oh, to Be a Painter!

Thames & Hudson, 2021

Virgina Woolf's collection of writings on visual arts offer a whole new perspective on the revolutionary author. Despite wide interest in...

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6 766 Ft

Eredeti ár: 7 122 Ft

Virginia Woolf: Orlando könyv


Lazi Kiadó, 2012

Orlando, a költői hajlandóságú, gyönyörű nemesifjú az Erzsébetkori Angliában látta meg a napvilágot. Életében szerepet kap Shakespeare, k...



Virginia Woolf: Orlando e-Könyv


Fapadoskö, 2012

Virgini a Woolf, akinek különös tehetségével mindmáig birkózik o kritika, talán legjelentősebb, de mindenesetre legszemélyesebb hangú műv...

Online ár:

1 270 Ft

Virginia Woolf: Orlando könyv


Fapadoskönyv Kiadó, 2011

Virginia Woolf, akinek különös tehetségével mindmáig birkózik a kritika, talán legjelentősebb, de mindenesetre legszemélyesebb hangú művé...

Online ár:

2 301 Ft

Eredeti ár: 2 706 Ft

Virginia Woolf: Orlando e-Könyv


Booklassic, 2015

Orlando: A Biography is an influential novel by Virginia Woolf, first published on 11 October 1928. A semi-biographical novel based in pa...

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299 Ft

Woolf, Virginia: Orlando idegen
Woolf, Virginia


Penguin Books Ltd (UK), 2019

'A fantasy, impossible but delicious ... an exuberance of life and wit' The Times Literary Supplement First masculine, then feminine, Orl...

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5 110 Ft

Eredeti ár: 5 378 Ft

Woolf, Virginia: Orlando idegen
Woolf, Virginia


Penguin Books Ltd (UK), 2016

A gorgeous clothbound edition of Woolf's fantastical and dazzlingly playful novel.

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9 368 Ft

Eredeti ár: 9 861 Ft

Woolf, Virginia: Orlando idegen
Woolf, Virginia


Alma Books Ltd., 2014

Orlando, a young nobleman and one of Queen Elizabeth I's court favourites, is the object of many ladies' attentions, but after suffering ...

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4 484 Ft

Eredeti ár: 4 720 Ft

Woolf, Virginia: Orlando idegen
Woolf, Virginia


Kampa Verlag AG, 2022

Orlando ist jung und schön - und so wird es immer bleiben, beinahe vier Jahrhunderte lang. Elisabeth I. verliebt sich in den Jüngling und...

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5 974 Ft

Eredeti ár: 6 288 Ft

Woolf, Virginia: Orlando idegen
Woolf, Virginia

Orlando - A Biography

Union Square & Co., 2024

"The fictional portrait of Woolf's close friend and lover Vita Sackville-West, the hero Orlando is a young nobleman in Elizabethan Englan...

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9 349 Ft

Eredeti ár: 9 841 Ft

Woolf, Virginia: Orlando idegen
Woolf, Virginia


Penguin Books Ltd (UK), 2020

'A fantasy, impossible but delicious ... an exuberance of life and wit' The Times Literary Supplement First masculine, then feminine, Orl...

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4 465 Ft

Eredeti ár: 4 700 Ft

Woolf, Virginia: Orlando idegen
Woolf, Virginia


Oxford University Press, 2014

Orlando tells the tale of an extraordinary individual who lives through history first as a man, then as a woman. At its heart is the figu...

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4 469 Ft

Eredeti ár: 4 704 Ft

Virginia Woolf: Orlando e-Könyv


Digital Deen Publications, 2017

Orlando: A Biography is an influential novel by Virginia Woolf, first published on 11 October 1928. A semi-biographical novel based in pa...

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1 390 Ft

Virginia Woolf: Orlando idegen


Virginia Woolf’s Orlando ‘The longest and most charming love letter in literature’, playfully constructs the figure of Orlando as the fic...



Woolf, Virginia: Orlando idegen
Woolf, Virginia

Orlando - Eine Biographie

FISCHER Taschenbuch, 2023

»Orlando« ist alles: die wundersame Geschichte einer Verwandlung, eine Jagd durch die Jahrhunderte, Gesellschaftsporträt, der schönste Li...

Online ár:

6 801 Ft

Eredeti ár: 7 158 Ft

Woolf, Virginia: Orlando idegen
Woolf, Virginia


Kampa Books Ltd., 2025

A novel way ahead of its time: breaking gender roles with wit and humor.



Virginia Woolf: Orlando antikvár


KönyvErdő online antikvárium

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

nincs megadva, 2018

Virginia Woolf, akinek különös tehetségével mindmáig birkózik a kritika, talán legjelentősebb, de mindenesetre legszemélyesebb hangú művé...

Online ár:

6 490 Ft

Woolf, Virginia: Orlando idegen
Woolf, Virginia

Orlando - Eine Biographie

Insel Verlag Anton Kippenberg GmbH & Co. KG, 2015

Orlando ist jung, gut aussehend - und seine Schönheit soll niemals vergehen. Ein Wunsch, der ihm zum Schicksal wird: Er durchlebt beinahe...

Online ár:

4 275 Ft

Eredeti ár: 4 499 Ft

Woolf, Virginia: Orlando idegen
Woolf, Virginia

Orlando - A Norton Critical Edition

WW Norton & Co, 2025

This Norton Critical Edition includes: The first edition (1928) text of Orlando: A Biography, with an introduction and explanatory annota...



Woolf, Virginia: Orlando idegen
Woolf, Virginia


Penguin LLC US, 2024

"First masculine, then feminine, Orlando is a young sixteenth-century nobleman who gallops through the centuries, from Elizabethan Englan...

Online ár:

12 527 Ft

Eredeti ár: 13 186 Ft

Woolf, Virginia: Orlando idegen
Woolf, Virginia

Orlando - (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)

Penguin LLC US, 2025

"First masculine, then feminine, Orlando is a young sixteenth-century nobleman who gallops through the centuries, from Elizabethan Englan...

Online ár:

8 724 Ft

Eredeti ár: 9 183 Ft

Virginia Woolf: Orlando antikvár


Orlando, a költői hajlandóságú, gyönyörű nemesifjú az Erzsébetkori Angliában látta meg a napvilágot. Életében szerepet kap Shakespeare, k...


2 000 Ft - 11 990 Ft

Woolf, Virginia: Orlando idegen
Woolf, Virginia


Union Square & Co., 2024

The fictional portrait of Woolf's close friend and lover Vita Sackville-West, the hero Orlando is a young nobleman in Elizabethan England...

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4 473 Ft

Eredeti ár: 4 708 Ft


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