Stephen Booth művei

Stephen Booth: Dead and Buried idegen

Dead and Buried

Brutal acts of firestarting have ravaged the Peak District, and now a new wave of moorland infernos sweeps across the national park. For ...



Stephen Booth: The Corpse Bridge idegen

The Corpse Bridge

The old Corpse Bridge is the route taken for centuries by mourners from villages on the western fringes of Derbyshire to a burial ground ...



Stephen Booth: Lost River idegen

Lost River

An atmospheric new Fry and Cooper thriller for fans of Peter Robinson and Reginald Hill. A May Bank Holiday in the Peak District is ruine...



Stephen Booth: Scared to Live idegen

Scared to Live

With One Last Breath and The Dead Place, Stephen Booth has taken his place both among “the elite British crime writers” and as a master o...



Stephen Booth: Blindspel - svéd nyelvű idegen

Blindspel - svéd nyelvű

The villagers of Withens are dying. Emma Renshaw vanished two years ago, her body never found. Now her former housemate has been bludgeon...



Stephen Booth: Black Dog idegen

Black Dog

As helicopters search Northern England's Peak District for fifteen year-old Laura Vernon, Detective Constable Ben Cooper quietly dreads t...



Stephen Booth: Secrets of Death idegen

Secrets of Death

Steeped in the atmosphere of the stunning Peak District, Secrets of Death is master crime writer Stephen Booth's most daring and clever C...



Stephen Booth: Dancing with the Virgins antikvár

Dancing with the Virgins

Könyvmoly Antikvárium

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Harper Collins, 2001

Online ár:

2 590 Ft

Stephen Booth: Dancing With the Virgins antikvár

Dancing With the Virgins

Abaúj Antikvárium

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Harper Collins, 2002

The second in the series featuring Detectives Fry and Cooper, Dancing with the Virgins is a tense psychological thriller, and is the sequ...

Online ár:

2 490 Ft

Stephen Booth: The Kill Call antikvár

The Kill Call

Vértesi Antikvárium Bt.

hibátlan, olvasatlan példány

Harper Collins, 2010

An atmospheric new Fry and Cooper thriller for fans of Peter Robinson and Reginald Hill. On a rain-swept Derbyshire moor, hounds from ...

Online ár:

940 Ft

Stephen Booth: One Last Breath antikvár

One Last Breath


jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Harper Collins, 2005

The vast labyrinth of caverns, passages and subterranean rivers beneath the Peak District are a major tourist attraction. But this summer...

Online ár:

2 500 Ft

Mcfarlane, Todd - Mcconville, Rory - Barberi, Carlo - Nachlik, Thomas - Cheung, Jim - Booth, Brett - Segovia, Stephen - Takara, Marcio: Spawn Deluxe Collection idegen
Mcfarlane, Todd - Mcconville, Rory - Barberi, Carlo - Nachlik, Thomas - Cheung, Jim - Booth, Brett - Segovia, Stephen - Takara, Marcio

Spawn Deluxe Collection - Bd. 3

Panini Verlags GmbH, 2024

Al Simmons stirbt im Dienst der US-Armee und fährt zur Hölle. Um zurück zu seiner geliebten Frau Wanda zu kommen, schließt er einen Pakt ...

Online ár:

17 347 Ft

Eredeti ár: 18 260 Ft

Stephen Booth: Blind to the Bones antikvár

Blind to the Bones

Könyvmoly Antikvárium

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Harper Collins, 2007

Online ár:

2 999 Ft

Lewis, Sean - Mcfarlane, Todd - Segovia, Stephen - Takara, Marcio - Tan, Philip - Booth, Brett - Fernandez, Javi: King Spawn idegen
Lewis, Sean - Mcfarlane, Todd - Segovia, Stephen - Takara, Marcio - Tan, Philip - Booth, Brett - Fernandez, Javi

King Spawn - Bd. 1: Die Krone der Hölle

Panini Verlags GmbH, 2022

IN FINSTERNIS GEKRÖNT Spawn Al Simmons hat die Erde von Himmel und Hölle abgeriegelt - und dabei viele Engel und Dämonen unter den Mensch...

Online ár:

8 674 Ft

Eredeti ár: 9 130 Ft

Stephen Booth: Already Dead idegen

Already Dead

Some sins won't wash away . . . A summer of endless rain in the Peak District leaves the officers of Derbyshire's criminal investigati...



Stephen Booth: Blind to the Bones antikvár

Blind to the Bones


jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Harper Collins, 2004

Online ár:

2 820 Ft


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