Josephine Cox művei

Gil McNeil, Josephine Cox: 2 db Romantikus együtt: Váltsd valóra az álmod, A dívák nem kötnek. antikvár

2 db Romantikus együtt: Váltsd valóra az álmod, A dívák nem kötnek.

Könyvlabirintus Antikvárium

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Alexandra Kiadó, 2010

Online ár:

1 380 Ft

Josephine Cox: 6 db Josephine Cox:The Journey,Let It Shine,The Loner,The Woman Who Left,The gilded cage,The beachcomber antikvár

Online ár:

1 990 Ft

Cox, Josephine: A Daughter's Secret idegen
Cox, Josephine

A Daughter's Secret

HarperCollins Publishers, 2025

Don't miss the brand new epic family drama from the nation's favourite storyteller...Will a dark shadow destroy her family?



Cox, Josephine: A Daughter's Secret idegen
Cox, Josephine

A Daughter's Secret

HarperCollins Publishers, 2025

Don't miss the brand new epic family drama from the nation's favourite storyteller...Will a dark shadow destroy her family?



Cox, Josephine: A Daughter's Secret idegen
Cox, Josephine

A Daughter's Secret

HarperCollins Publishers, 2025

Don't miss the brand new epic family drama from the nation's favourite storyteller...Will a dark shadow destroy her family?



Josephine Cox: A ​kitaszított (Emma Grady 1.) + Az ​utcagyerek (Emma Grady 3. - A remény c. könyv folytatása) /2 mű/ könyv

A ​kitaszított (Emma Grady 1.) + Az ​utcagyerek (Emma Grady 3. - A remény c. könyv folytatása) /2 mű/

A regényfolyam harmadik történetében a főhősnő, Emma Grady az ausztráliai fegyenctelepen dolgozik. Főnöke, az özvegységre jutott Roland T...



Josephine Cox: A Little Badness idegen

A Little Badness

Young Cathy Blackthorn has never experienced any loving response from her mother; it is her beloved aunt Margaret, with a heart as big an...



Josephine Cox: Alley Urchin idegen

Alley Urchin

Emma Grady, transported to Australia for a crime she did not commit, believes the child she bore as she left England is dead. However, th...



Josephine Cox: Angels Cry Sometimes idegen

Angels Cry Sometimes

The marriage of Marcia and Curt Ratheter seemed idyllically happy. But one fateful day in 1931 brought Marcia's world tumbling about her ...



Josephine Cox: A remény antikvár

A remény

Metropolis, 1997


1 390 Ft - 1 850 Ft

Josephine Cox: A Time For Us idegen

A Time For Us

Lucy didn't answer right away. But when she did, there was such a conviction in her voice that Debbie was subdued.



Josephine Cox: A Time for Us antikvár

A Time for Us


Lucy Nolan is a golden girl. When Jack Hanson asks her to marry him, she is ready to give up everything for him. But tragedy strikes, and...


940 Ft

Josephine Cox: Az utazás antikvár

Az utazás

Pápaszem Antikvárium Bt.

jó állapotú antikvár könyv


Online ár:

1 190 Ft

Josephine Cox: Az utazás antikvár

Az utazás

Ulpius-ház, 2008

Vannak, akik mindent feláldoznának a szerelemért… Ben Morris-t lenyűgözi a csinos Mary Baker és édesanyja, Lucy, akik láthatólag titokzat...


940 Ft - 1 250 Ft

Josephine Cox: Az utazás + Az utazás vége (2 mű) antikvár

Az utazás + Az utazás vége (2 mű)

GreenBook Antikvárium

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Ulpius-ház, 2008

Online ár:

990 Ft

Josephine Cox: Az utazás vége antikvár

Az utazás vége

Ulpius-ház, 2008

Csak a szerelemért érdemes végigjárni az utat az ismeretlen felé… Húsz év telt el azóta, hogy Vicky elhagyta szülőföldjét, és három gyerm...


940 Ft - 1 900 Ft

Josephine Cox: Az utcagyerek antikvár


1 900 Ft - 1 990 Ft

Josephine Cox: Bad Boy Jack idegen

Bad Boy Jack

Unable to raise his children alone, Robert Sullivan abandons them and Jack and Nancy go to a brutal children's home, where Jack's temper...



Josephine Cox: Bad Boy Jack idegen

Bad Boy Jack

Deserted by the two women in his life, robert sullivan is left to raise three-year-old Nancy and her seve-year-old brother Jack.



Josephine Cox: Bad Boy Jack könyv

Bad Boy Jack

Deserted By the Two Women In His Life. robert Sullivan is left to raise three-year-old Nancy and her seven-year-old brother Jack. Unable ...



Josephine Cox: Bad boy Jack könyv

Bad boy Jack

Deserted by the two women in his life,Robert Sullivan is left to raise tree-years-old Nancy and her seven....



Josephine Cox: Bad Boy Jack idegen

Bad Boy Jack

Unable to raise his children alone, Robert Sullivan abandons them and Jack and Nancy go to a brutal children's home, where Jack's temper ...



Josephine Cox: Bad Coy Jack idegen

Bad Coy Jack

Unable to raise his children alone, Robert Sullivan abandons them and Jack and Nancy go to a brutal children's home, where Jack's temper ...



Josephine Cox: Blood Brothers idegen

Blood Brothers

Harper Collins, 2010

Josephine Cox Drama with heart Alice Jacobs has finally found the family she always wanted! With her shy smile and kind nature, Alice win...

Online ár:

2 199 Ft

Eredeti ár: 2 586 Ft

Josephine Cox: Blood Brothers antikvár

Blood Brothers

Vonnegut Antikvárium

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Harper Collins, 2010

Josephine Cox Drama with heart Alice Jacobs has finally found the family she always wanted! With her shy smile and kind nature, Alice win...

Online ár:

1 790 Ft

Josephine Cox: Born Bad idegen

Born Bad

Harry always knew he would go back one day ! Eighteen years ago when he was a boy, he had made a decision that drove him from the pace h...



Josephine Cox: Child of the North - Memories of a Northern Childhood idegen

Child of the North - Memories of a Northern Childhood

Josephine Cox returns to the land of her birth, the environment which provides so many settings for her novels, and in the company of her...



Josephine Cox: Cradle of Thorns idegen

Cradle of Thorns

Nell Reece has never known her mother, and her father's burden of guilt about his wife has kept him cowed for years, working as a common ...



Josephine Cox: Családi boldogság antikvár

Családi boldogság

Vonnegut Antikvárium

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Metropolis, 1998

Online ár:

9 990 Ft

Josephine Cox: Divorced and Deadly idegen

Divorced and Deadly

Packed with hair-raising escapades and laugh out-loud moments, this is the perfect tonic to cheer everyone up this year. Footloose, fancy...



Josephine Cox: Divorced and Deadly idegen

Divorced and Deadly

Ben is ready for a new life of fun, but is the world ready for him? He's about to find out that being footlose and fancy free has a few s...



Josephine Cox: Don't Cry Alone idegen

Don't Cry Alone

Beth Ward and Tyler Blacklock share a love they know will last forever. But Beth's mother, Esther, is jealous of the girl and seizes an o...



Josephine Cox: Girl on the Platform idegen

Girl on the Platform

Best mates Mark and Pete board a train to London for their lads night out



Josephine Cox: Girl on the Platform idegen

Girl on the Platform

A quick read from the bestselling storyteller, Josephine Cox. Love at first sight and a mysterious disappearance. Best friends Mark and ...

