John Christopher művei

John Christopher: Return To Earth - Obw Library 2. Cd-Pack 3E* könyv

Return To Earth - Obw Library 2. Cd-Pack 3E* - Oxford Bookworms 2. - CD Inside

Oxford University Press, 2008

As they walk through a park in the distant future, Harl and Ellen talk about their work and their lives. But they will never have a life ...



Priest, Christopher - Buscema, John - Fleisher, Michael - Gillis, Peter B. - Kwapisz, Gary - Mayerik, Val - Hall, Bob: Conan der Barbar: Classic Collection idegen
Priest, Christopher - Buscema, John - Fleisher, Michael - Gillis, Peter B. - Kwapisz, Gary - Mayerik, Val - Hall, Bob

Conan der Barbar: Classic Collection - Bd. 6

Panini Verlags GmbH, 2022

CONANS KÄMPFE GEHEN WEITER! Conan, der Fantasy-Held von Robert E. Howard, in seinen legendären Marvel-Abenteuern - mit restaurierter Kolo...

Online ár:

42 162 Ft

Eredeti ár: 44 381 Ft

Priest, Christopher - Buscema, John - Semeiks, Val - Chan, Ernie - Kraar, Don - Docherty, Michael: Conan der Barbar: Classic Collection idegen
Priest, Christopher - Buscema, John - Semeiks, Val - Chan, Ernie - Kraar, Don - Docherty, Michael

Conan der Barbar: Classic Collection - Bd. 7

Panini Verlags GmbH, 2022

BARBAREN, BEAUTYS UND BUSCEMA Conan, der Fantasy-Held von Robert E. Howard, in seinen legendären Marvel-Abenteuern - mit restaurierter Ko...

Online ár:

42 147 Ft

Eredeti ár: 44 365 Ft

John Christopher: The Prince in Waiting idegen

The Prince in Waiting

Luke lives in a society whose finest art is fighting. since a natural disaster years before, there have been no machines; people must rel...



John Christopher: The City Of Gold And Lead idegen

The City Of Gold And Lead

Crushed by the rule of the alien Tripods, Earth's last chance for freedom had long gone - or had it?



John Christopher: The White Mountains idegen

The White Mountains

Crushed by the rule of the alien Tripods, Earth's last chance for freedom had long gone - or had it? Young Will Parker and his companions...



John Christopher: The Mary Rose Story idegen

The Mary Rose Story

John Christopher takes a fresh look at the design and construction of the Mary Rose, her illustrious naval career, and the reasons behind...



John Christopher: The Pool of Fire idegen

The Pool of Fire

Chrushed by the rule of the alien Tripods, Earth's last chance for freedom had long gone - or had it?



John Christopher: The Long Winter antikvár

The Long Winter

Vonnegut Antikvárium

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Simon & Schuster, 1962

Online ár:

3 990 Ft

John Christopher: The World in Winter idegen

The World in Winter

One year the UK suffers a terribly harsh winter: rivers freeze solid, food and fuel run low, the whole of Europe lies under snow. Months ...



John Christopher: The Death of Grass idegen

The Death of Grass

The Chung-Li virus has devastated Asia, wiping out the rice crop and leaving riots and mass starvation in its wake. The rest of the world...



Pierre Boulle, John Christopher: Sci-Fi kötetek (2 db) könyv

Sci-Fi kötetek (2 db)

2 db Sci-Fi kötet: A Majmok Bolygója + Veszélyben a bolygó



John Christopher: The guardians antikvár

The guardians

Weöres Antikvárium

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Collier Books, 1978

Online ár:

2 490 Ft

John Christopher; J.T. McIntosh; Isaac Asimov; Edmond Hamilton; Michael Shaara; Murray Leinster; John Wyndham: Space Travel Stories idegen

Space Travel Stories

Nyolc tudományos-fantasztikus történet egy kötetben neves sci-fi szerzők tollaiból. Orosz-angol nyelvű.



John Christopher: The White Mountains (Level 3.) antikvár

The White Mountains (Level 3.) - Saját képpel

Könyvtársaság Antikvárium

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Penguin Readers, 1999

Rövidített olvasmány feladatokkal.

Online ár:

1 990 Ft

Fleisher, Michael - Wilson, Ron - Woch, Stan - Brigman, June - Buscema, John - Zelenetz, Alan - Priest, Christopher - Skeates, Steve - Yakata, Larry - Neal, Jim - Wilshire, Mary - Mayrik, Val: Savage Sword of Conan: Classic Collection idegen
Fleisher, Michael - Wilson, Ron - Woch, Stan - Brigman, June - Buscema, John - Zelenetz, Alan - Priest, Christopher - Skeates, Steve - Yakata, Larry - Neal, Jim - Wilshire, Mary - Mayrik, Val

Savage Sword of Conan: Classic Collection - Bd. 7

Panini Verlags GmbH, 2024

ENTFESSELTER BARBAR! Die extralangen, extrafreizügigen Fantasy-Abenteuer des legendären Barbaren: für ein erwachsenes Publikum und in sti...

Online ár:

53 257 Ft

Eredeti ár: 56 059 Ft

John Christopher: Return to Earth (OBW 2) antikvár

Return to Earth (OBW 2)

Egyszerűsített szövegű - rövidített kiadás nyelvtanulóknak.


2 390 Ft - 5 990 Ft

John Christopher: Return To Earth - Obw Library 2. Cd-Pack 3E* antikvár

Return To Earth - Obw Library 2. Cd-Pack 3E*

Fiume Antikvárium

hibátlan, olvasatlan példány

Oxford University Press, 2008

As they walk through a park in the distant future, Harl and Ellen talk about their work and their lives. But they will never have a life ...

Online ár:

8 650 Ft

Christopher, John: Wild Jack idegen
Christopher, John

Wild Jack

Aladdin Paperbacks, 2015

Clive Anderson is falsely accused of questioning the status quo and must escape from a twenty-third century "retraining school."

Online ár:

3 825 Ft

Eredeti ár: 4 026 Ft

Dillon, Dan - Dowd, Matthew F. - Eagon, Timothy - Eyman, Matthew - Fairbanks, Robert - Gibson, David - Gilliford, Christopher - Henzel, John - Hochhalter, Jeremy - Holland, Michael - Iglauer, Ben - Harris, Chris - Introcaso, James - Layman-Kennedy, Dan - Lockey, Christopher - Maier, Maximilian - Marks, Greg - Olson, Dave - Pratt, Richard - Radle, Marc - Sawatsky, Jon - Shatford, Ryan - Carmona, Rodrigo Garcia - Taylor, Troy E. - Teheran, Andrew - Torres, Jorge A. - Uknuis, Darius - Victory, Sersa - Wertz, and Ben - Winter, Steven - Baur, Wolfgang - Carden, William Ryan - Carlson, Christopher - Conard, Michael John - Crawford, James L. - Delvo, Christopher: Das Buch der Bestien (5E) idegen
Dillon, Dan - Dowd, Matthew F. - Eagon, Timothy - Eyman, Matthew - Fairbanks, Robert - Gibson, David - Gilliford, Christopher - Henzel, John - Hochhalter, Jeremy - Holland, Michael - Iglauer, Ben - Harris, Chris - Introcaso, James - Layman-Kennedy, Dan - Lockey, Christopher - Maier, Maximilian - Marks, Greg - Olson, Dave - Pratt, Richard - Radle, Marc - Sawatsky, Jon - Shatford, Ryan - Carmona, Rodrigo Garcia - Taylor, Troy E. - Teheran, Andrew - Torres, Jorge A. - Uknuis, Darius - Victory, Sersa - Wertz, and Ben - Winter, Steven - Baur, Wolfgang - Carden, William Ryan - Carlson, Christopher - Conard, Michael John - Crawford, James L. - Delvo, Christopher

Das Buch der Bestien (5E)

Ulisses Medien und Spiel Distribution GmbH, 2021

Ein Fülle neuer Monster für 5E! Gleichgültig, ob du nur lästiges Gewölbe-Ungeziefer benötigst oder eine welterschütternde Personifizierun...

Online ár:

21 350 Ft

Eredeti ár: 22 473 Ft

Eliopoulos, Christopher - Souvanny, Lanna - Lee, Stan - Romita Sr., John - Thompson, Robbie - Stockman, Nathan - Macchio, Ralph - Allen, Christopher: Spider-Verse - Spider-Man idegen
Eliopoulos, Christopher - Souvanny, Lanna - Lee, Stan - Romita Sr., John - Thompson, Robbie - Stockman, Nathan - Macchio, Ralph - Allen, Christopher

Spider-Verse - Spider-Man

Panini Verlags GmbH, 2023


Online ár:

5 110 Ft

Eredeti ár: 5 378 Ft

Gilbert, Adrian - Adams, Simon - Field, Jacob - Farndon, John - Grant, Reg G. - Westhorp, Christopher - Levy, Joel - Smith, Olivia: Big Ideas. Der Zweite Weltkrieg idegen
Gilbert, Adrian - Adams, Simon - Field, Jacob - Farndon, John - Grant, Reg G. - Westhorp, Christopher - Levy, Joel - Smith, Olivia

Big Ideas. Der Zweite Weltkrieg - Die Geschichte erklärt. Konzentriertes Wissen über die Ereignisse und Hintergründe des Zweiten Weltkriegs

Dorling Kindersley Verlag GmbH, 2025

Die Geschichte des Zweiten Weltkriegs nachvollziehbar erklärt ¿ Alle wichtigen Ereignisse, Wendepunkte und Hintergründe ¿ Schlachten, Tak...



Christopher, John: Empty World idegen
Christopher, John

Empty World

Aladdin Paperbacks, 2015

Includes an excerpt from another adventure by John Christopher entitled 'In the beginning.'

Online ár:

4 252 Ft

Eredeti ár: 4 475 Ft

Arcudi, John - Willis, Damon - Prosser, Jerry - Bissette, Steve - Somerville, Jim - Grant, Steven - Taylor, Christopher - Nguyen, Hoang - U. A. - Verheiden, Mark - Nelson, Mark A. - Kieth, Sam - Jones, Kelley - Beauvais, Denis - Guinan, Paul - Richardson, Mike - Bisley, Simon: Aliens Classic Collection idegen
Arcudi, John - Willis, Damon - Prosser, Jerry - Bissette, Steve - Somerville, Jim - Grant, Steven - Taylor, Christopher - Nguyen, Hoang - U. A. - Verheiden, Mark - Nelson, Mark A. - Kieth, Sam - Jones, Kelley - Beauvais, Denis - Guinan, Paul - Richardson, Mike - Bisley, Simon

Aliens Classic Collection - Bd. 1

Panini Verlags GmbH, 2024

Die Xenomorphe, die unerbittlichsten Kreaturen des Universums, verbreiten im gesamten Weltraum Angst und Schrecken. In dieser ersten Comi...

Online ár:

55 039 Ft

Eredeti ár: 57 935 Ft

Gaiman, Neil - Brett, Simon - Lawton, John - Bruen, Ken - Spillane, Mickey - Allan Collins, Max - Cleeves, Ann - Fowler, Christopher - Tidhar, Lavie - Poulson, Christine - Sallis, James - Williams, Conrad - Neville, Stuart - Pelecanos, George P: Ink and Daggers idegen
Gaiman, Neil - Brett, Simon - Lawton, John - Bruen, Ken - Spillane, Mickey - Allan Collins, Max - Cleeves, Ann - Fowler, Christopher - Tidhar, Lavie - Poulson, Christine - Sallis, James - Williams, Conrad - Neville, Stuart - Pelecanos, George P

Ink and Daggers

Titan, 2025

An enthralling anthology of 20 CWA Dagger Award-shortlisted gripping and thrilling stories for the most hardened crime fan. Featuring bes...



Christopher, John: The Guardians idegen
Christopher, John

The Guardians - Text and Study Aids. Englische Lektüre für das 5. Lernjahr. Leicht gekürzt

Klett, Ernst, Sprachen GmbH, 1994

Dieser Jugendroman spielt in einem imaginären England der Zukunft. Das Land ist durch einen Hochzaun in zwei Regionen geteilt, ein großst...

Online ár:

4 538 Ft

Eredeti ár: 4 776 Ft

Anderson, John D. - Cadou, Christopher: Fundamentals of Aerodynamics ISE idegen
Anderson, John D. - Cadou, Christopher

Fundamentals of Aerodynamics ISE

McGraw-Hill Education Ltd, 2023

The new edition of Fundamentals of Aerodynamics follows in the same tradition as the previous editions: it is for students-to be read, un...

Online ár:

30 981 Ft

Eredeti ár: 32 611 Ft

Ward, Greg - Walker, Benedict - Hecht, John - Karlin, Adam - Kluepfel, Brian - Lemer, Ali - Maric, Vesna - Maxwell, Virginia - McNaughtan, Hugh - Morgan, MaSovaida - Ohlsen, Becky - Zimmerman, Karla - Parkes, Lorna - Bartlett, Ray - Benchwick, Greg - Bender, Andrew - Bing, Alison - Brash, Celeste - Bremner, Jade - Clark, Gregor - d'Arc Taylor, Stephanie - Grosberg, Michael - Pitts, Christopher - Ham, Anthony - Harrell, Ashley - Ping, Trisha - Albiston, Isabel - Baker, Mark - Balfour, Amy C. - Balkovich, Robert - Raub, Kevin - Richmond, Simon - Schulte-Peevers, Andrea - St. Louis, Regis - Ver Berkmoes, Ryan - Vorhees, Mara: LONELY PLANET Reiseführer USA idegen
Ward, Greg - Walker, Benedict - Hecht, John - Karlin, Adam - Kluepfel, Brian - Lemer, Ali - Maric, Vesna - Maxwell, Virginia - McNaughtan, Hugh - Morgan, MaSovaida - Ohlsen, Becky - Zimmerman, Karla - Parkes, Lorna - Bartlett, Ray - Benchwick, Greg - Bender, Andrew - Bing, Alison - Brash, Celeste - Bremner, Jade - Clark, Gregor - d'Arc Taylor, Stephanie - Grosberg, Michael - Pitts, Christopher - Ham, Anthony - Harrell, Ashley - Ping, Trisha - Albiston, Isabel - Baker, Mark - Balfour, Amy C. - Balkovich, Robert - Raub, Kevin - Richmond, Simon - Schulte-Peevers, Andrea - St. Louis, Regis - Ver Berkmoes, Ryan - Vorhees, Mara

LONELY PLANET Reiseführer USA - Eigene Wege gehen und Einzigartiges erleben.

MAIRDUMONT GmbH & Co. KG, 2022

Mit dem Lonely Planet USA auf eigene Faust durch das Land der unbegenzten Möglichkeiten! Etliche Monate Recherche stecken im Kultreisefüh...

Online ár:

12 839 Ft

Eredeti ár: 13 514 Ft

Ham, Anthony - Grosberg, Michael - Harrell, Ashley - Hecht, John - Karlin, Adam - Morgan, Masovaida - Pitts, Christopher - Schulte-Peevers, Andrea - Balfour, Amy C. - Ohlsen, Becky - Balkovich, Robert - Benchwick, Greg - Bender, Andrew - Bing, Alison - Brash, Celeste - D'Arc Taylor, Stephanie: LONELY PLANET Reiseführer USA Westen idegen
Ham, Anthony - Grosberg, Michael - Harrell, Ashley - Hecht, John - Karlin, Adam - Morgan, Masovaida - Pitts, Christopher - Schulte-Peevers, Andrea - Balfour, Amy C. - Ohlsen, Becky - Balkovich, Robert - Benchwick, Greg - Bender, Andrew - Bing, Alison - Brash, Celeste - D'Arc Taylor, Stephanie

LONELY PLANET Reiseführer USA Westen - Eigene Wege gehen und Einzigartiges erleben.

MAIRDUMONT GmbH & Co. KG, 2022

Mit dem Lonely Planet USA Westen auf eigene Faust durch Wild West und Glory Glitter! Etliche Monate Recherche stecken im Kultreiseführer ...

Online ár:

10 610 Ft

Eredeti ár: 11 168 Ft

Zambelli, Alessandro - Rodgers, Christopher - Cheatle, Emma - Clarke, John Wedgwood - Dee, Olivia - Hammersley, Rachel - Collins, Sarah - O'Neill, Siobhan: English Urban Commons idegen
Zambelli, Alessandro - Rodgers, Christopher - Cheatle, Emma - Clarke, John Wedgwood - Dee, Olivia - Hammersley, Rachel - Collins, Sarah - O'Neill, Siobhan

English Urban Commons - The Past, Present and Future of Green Spaces

Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2025

The book presents a novel examination of urban commons.



Mason, Christopher - Alderson, John - Gostin, Larry - Wallington, Peter - McCabe, Sarah: The Police, Public Order, and Civil Liberties idegen
Mason, Christopher - Alderson, John - Gostin, Larry - Wallington, Peter - McCabe, Sarah

The Police, Public Order, and Civil Liberties - Legacies of the Miners' Strike

Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2025

Originally published in 1988, this book is a report on policing during the miners' strike of 1984-5. The report describes the policing of...



Fleagle, John G. - Baden, Andrea L. - C. Gilbert, Christopher: Primate Adaptation and Evolution idegen
Fleagle, John G. - Baden, Andrea L. - C. Gilbert, Christopher

Primate Adaptation and Evolution

Elsevier LTD, 2025

Primate Adaptation and Evolution, Fourth Edition provides key features of extant families and references to more detailed texts. The book...



Baade, Kate - Holloway, Christopher - Scrivens, Jim - Turner, Rebecca - Hughes, John: Business Result: Advanced: Student's Book with Online Practice idegen
Baade, Kate - Holloway, Christopher - Scrivens, Jim - Turner, Rebecca - Hughes, John

Business Result: Advanced: Student's Book with Online Practice - Business English you can take to work

Oxford University ELT, 2017

For business professionals looking to advance their careers through improving their English, Business Result Second Edition is a practica...

Online ár:

24 569 Ft

Eredeti ár: 25 862 Ft

Priest, Christopher - Buscema, John: Conan The Barbarian: The Original Comics Omnibus idegen
Priest, Christopher - Buscema, John

Conan The Barbarian: The Original Comics Omnibus

Titan Books Ltd, 2025

The greatest hero in sword-and-sorcery history!This epic omnibus chronicles the on-going adventures of the legend that is Conan and featu...



Alcala, Alfredo - Priestly, Christopher - Buscema, John - Fleisher, Michael: The Savage Sword Of Conan: The Original Comics Omnibus idegen
Alcala, Alfredo - Priestly, Christopher - Buscema, John - Fleisher, Michael

The Savage Sword Of Conan: The Original Comics Omnibus

Titan Books Ltd, 2025

More savage, brutal and epic in scope than its sister title Conan the Barbarian. Volume 7 sees Conan doing what he does best, slaughterin...



Bosso, Christopher John: Why SNAP Works idegen
Bosso, Christopher John

Why SNAP Works - A Political History-and Defense-of the Food Stamp Program

University of California Press, 2025

"Why SNAP Works is a lively, up-to-the-minute account of the history of the program formerly known as food stamps, contested from its ons...




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