Gerald Kersh művei

Gerald Kersh: The Great Wash idegen

The Great Wash

Journalist George Oaks and his friend Albert Kemp, a mystery novelist, are on their way to meet their friend, the celebrated philosopher ...



Gerald Kersh: The Nine Lives of Bill Nelson idegen

The Nine Lives of Bill Nelson

Bill Nelson was a regular in the pre-war army, a survivor of Dunkirk and latterly an instructor at Pirbright for the trainee guardsmen. H...



Gerald Kersh: Men Are So Ardent idegen

Men Are So Ardent

All Gerald Kersh's admirers will surely want to read his first novel, Men Are So Ardent. It made his reputation with the critics immediat...



Gerald Kersh: Night and the City idegen

Night and the City

Harry Fabian is a ponce, a Flash Harry in an expensive suit, a cockney wide boy who adopts American tones and talks big, yet will never m...



Gerald Kersh: Clock Without Hands idegen

Clock Without Hands

Best known for his gritty novels of London life and his weird and often horrific short fiction, in Clock Without Hands (1949) Gerald Kers...



Gerald Kersh: Clean, Bright and Slightly Oiled idegen

Clean, Bright and Slightly Oiled

Autobiographical short-stories.



Gerald Kersh: The Song of the Flea idegen

The Song of the Flea

With The Song Of The Flea (1948) Gerald Kersh revisited the demi-monde of his famous Night And The City; but this novel concerns a writer...



Gerald Kersh: Men Without Bones idegen

Men Without Bones

Venture into this alarmingly convincing world, meet the horse whose stubbornness changed history, or the man damned to everlasting love, ...



Gerald Kersh: The Thousand Deaths of Mr. Small idegen

The Thousand Deaths of Mr. Small

'The Thousand Deaths Of Mr Small is the best novel that Gerald Kersh has yet written... Charles Small, successful advertising expert and ...



Gerald Kersh: A Long Cool Day in Hell idegen

A Long Cool Day in Hell

"Lily Star Clarke is a veritable Little Snowdrop, as innocently sweet as can be. Yet it was she who ran down Louie Cagliaro and broke the...



Gerald Kersh: Brock idegen


A fantastic cavalcade of exotic characters pass through Holly's life; among them, Cornelia Castashoe, his tyrannical great-grandmother; t...



Kersh, Gerald: Hirn und zehn Finger idegen
Kersh, Gerald

Hirn und zehn Finger

Nowatzki, Frank, 2024

Jugoslawien, 1943. Eine kleine versprengte Partisanentruppe wacher, verzweifelter Männer flieht in den Wald, nachdem sie ein Munitionsdep...

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