Vaseem Khan művei

Vaseem Khan, Giovanna Fletcher, Rosamund Lupton, Joanna Trollope: Chopra ​felügyelő váratlan öröksége - Billy és én - A csend ereje - Sógornők (Reader's Digest válogatott könyvek) antikvár

Chopra ​felügyelő váratlan öröksége - Billy és én - A csend ereje - Sógornők (Reader's Digest válogatott könyvek)

Németvölgyi Antikvárium

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Reader's Digest Válogatás, 2017

Chopra ​felügyelő váratlan öröksége / Vaseem Khan: Chopra felügyelő harminc év szolgálat után az orvosa tanácsára nyugdíjba megy a mumb...

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3 990 Ft

Khan, Vaseem: Midnight at Malabar House (The Malabar House Series) idegen
Khan, Vaseem

Midnight at Malabar House (The Malabar House Series)

Hodder And Stoughton Ltd., 2021

"As India celebrates the arrival of a momentous new decade, Inspector Persis Wadia stands vigil in the basement of Malabar House, home to...

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5 731 Ft

Eredeti ár: 6 032 Ft

Khan, Vaseem: Murder at the Grand Raj Palace idegen
Khan, Vaseem

Murder at the Grand Raj Palace - Baby Ganesh Agency Book 4

Hodder And Stoughton Ltd., 2019

In this enchanting Baby Ganesh Agency novel, Inspector Chopra and his elephant sidekick investigate a murder at Mumbai's grandest hotel. ...

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5 738 Ft

Eredeti ár: 6 040 Ft

Khan, Vaseem: The Unexpected Inheritance of Inspector Chopra idegen
Khan, Vaseem

The Unexpected Inheritance of Inspector Chopra - Baby Ganesh Agency Book 1

Hodder And Stoughton Ltd., 2015

Mumbai, murder and a baby elephant combine in a charming, joyful mystery for fans of Alexander McCall Smith and Rachel Joyce. On the day ...

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5 727 Ft

Eredeti ár: 6 028 Ft

Khan, Vaseem: Bad Day at the Vulture Club idegen
Khan, Vaseem

Bad Day at the Vulture Club - Baby Ganesh Agency Book 5

Hodder And Stoughton Ltd., 2020

In the gripping new Baby Ganesh Agency novel, Inspector Chopra and his elephant sidekick investigate the death of one of Mumbai's wealthi...

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5 735 Ft

Eredeti ár: 6 036 Ft

Khan, Vaseem: The Dying Day idegen
Khan, Vaseem

The Dying Day

Hodder And Stoughton Ltd., 2022

The second brilliant novel in the highly acclaimed Malabar House series featuring Persis Wadia, India's first female police detective.

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5 735 Ft

Eredeti ár: 6 036 Ft

Child, Lee - Matheson, Nadine - Grady, James - Thomson, David - Charyn, Jerome - Billson, Anne - Craven, M W - Hannah, Sophie - Jonasson, Ragnar - Khan, Vaseem - Benedict, A K - Adams, Guy - Lovesey, Peter - Newman, Kim: Birds, Strangers and Psychos idegen
Child, Lee - Matheson, Nadine - Grady, James - Thomson, David - Charyn, Jerome - Billson, Anne - Craven, M W - Hannah, Sophie - Jonasson, Ragnar - Khan, Vaseem - Benedict, A K - Adams, Guy - Lovesey, Peter - Newman, Kim

Birds, Strangers and Psychos - New Stories Inspired by Alfred Hitchcock

Titan, 2025

A suspenseful, thrilling anthology of 30 original short stories inspired by the iconic works of legendary filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock, cur...



Khan, Vaseem: The Girl in Cell a idegen
Khan, Vaseem

The Girl in Cell a - A Tense and Gripping Suspense Novel Guaranteed to Surprise and Thrill, for Fans of Show Trial

Mobius, 2025

'Masterful. A beautifully written, twisting psychological thriller' CHRIS WHITAKER 'Full of unexpected, mind-bending twists, THE GIRL IN ...



Khan, Vaseem: The Girl In Cell A idegen
Khan, Vaseem

The Girl In Cell A - A tense and gripping suspense novel guaranteed to surprise and thrill, for fans of Show Trial

Hodder And Stoughton Ltd., 2025

'Masterful. A beautifully written, twisting psychological thriller' CHRIS WHITAKER 'Full of unexpected, mind-bending twists, THE GIRL IN ...



Khan, Vaseem: Quantum of Menace idegen
Khan, Vaseem

Quantum of Menace

Bonnier Books UK, 2025

Filled with wit and verve, Vaseem Khan brings his vibrant and dynamic style to one of Ian Fleming's most beloved characters, Q. Charming,...



Hoag- Salisbury- Khashoggi- Scottoline, Montefiore, S.-Connelly, M.-Harter, K.-R.Smith, T., Conelly-Trigiani-Patterson-Fielding, Linwood Barclay- Mark Alpert - Marie Bostwick - Patrick Taylor, C. J. Box - Sophie Kinsella - James Patterson & Michael Ledwidge - Caro Peacock, J.Grisham-M.H.Clark-N.Sparks-L.Child, Sophie Hannah · Emily Liebert · James Patterson · David Ellis · Jojo Moyes, Vaseem Khan, Giovanna Fletcher, Rosamund Lupton, Michael Palmer, Jeannette Walls, William Kent, Alison Mcqueen, Forsyth, Evans, Twining, Macdonald, Deaver-Pezzelli-Bourne-Brown, Baldacci- Kinsella- Thomas- Kay, Child, L.- Thomas, R.- Coben, H.- Vanliere, D., Clark- Hannah- Rimington- Sherwood, Andrew Gross Robertr Harris, Conelly-Hislop-Kurson-Titchmarsh, DeMille-Thayer-Roberts-Spencer, Grisham-Spencer-Gerritsen-Clavel, Baldacci-Higgins-Sparks-Cook, S Clark- Kidd- Finder-Tolkien, Follett,Anthony,Roughan,Robards, Preston- Delinsky- May-Connors, M. Crichton - N. Sparks - B. Eisler - L. Carcaterra, McGrory,Taylor Bradford,Cornwe, Tom Clancy-Nicholas Sparks-James Vance Marshall-Elaine Kagan, Titchmarsh, Grafton, Coben,, Jeffery Deaver - Susan Wilson - John Katzenbach - James Thayer, Ken Follett - Kristin Hannah - Iris Johansen - Nora Roberts, Smith-Dickinson-Iles-Nichols, John Grisham - Stuart Harrison - Sam Llewellyn - Sue Grafton: 36 db Reader's Digest könyv: Öld meg a futárt - Kegyetlen mérföldek - Mozaik - A hallgatás ára/ A francia kertész - Kilátó - A szeretet ára - A 44.gyermek/ Rézverdikt-Angyali cipellők-Tutanhamon meggyilkolása-Csendélet/ könyv

36 db Reader's Digest könyv: Öld meg a futárt - Kegyetlen mérföldek - Mozaik - A hallgatás ára/ A francia kertész - Kilátó - A szeretet ára - A 44.gyermek/ Rézverdikt-Angyali cipellők-Tutanhamon meggyilkolása-Csendélet/

Búcsú nélkül - Varázsöltés - A végső elmélet - Egy ír falusi orvos/ Zsaruk paradicsoma-Emlékszel rám-Fekete karácsony-Halál hajnalban/ A ...

