Tierney művei

Tierney; Whooley: Diagnosztika és terápia tömören antikvár

Diagnosztika és terápia tömören

Diófa Antikvárium Kft.

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Medicina Könyvkiadó Zrt., 2003

Szerény célunk az volt, hogy egy karcsú kötetben összefoglaljuk a kiválogatott betegségek diagnózisának, differenciáldiagnózisának és kez...

Online ár:

940 Ft

Tierney: Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment antikvár

Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment

Boontiwa Antikvárium

hibátlan, olvasatlan példány


Online ár:

14 990 Ft

Baumeister, Roy F. - Tierney, John: Willpower idegen
Baumeister, Roy F. - Tierney, John

Willpower - Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength

Penguin LLC US, 2012

One of the world's most esteemed and influential psychologists, Roy F. Baumeister, teams with New York Times science writer John Tierney ...

Online ár:

8 265 Ft

Eredeti ár: 8 700 Ft

Tierney, Bil: Dynamik der Aspektanalyse idegen
Tierney, Bil

Dynamik der Aspektanalyse

Stiehle, Reinhardt, 2006

Jeder Aspekt besitzt seine einzigartigen Charakteristika. Der Autor fasst die Qualit¿n und Bedeutungen der Aspekte (von Konjunktion bis N...

Online ár:

10 595 Ft

Eredeti ár: 11 152 Ft

Tierney, Marie: Deadly Animals idegen
Tierney, Marie

Deadly Animals - Val McDermid Crime Debut Award Winner 2024

Bonnier Books UK, 2024

A thirteen-year-old girl with a dark obsession is on the hunt for a serial killer in this mesmerising British crime debut.

Online ár:

7 038 Ft

Eredeti ár: 7 408 Ft

Tierney, Marie: Deadly Animals idegen
Tierney, Marie

Deadly Animals - Val McDermid Crime Debut Award Winner 2024

Bonnier Books UK, 2024

**WINNER OF THE VAL McDERMID DEBUT AWARD 2024** **The Times' best crime and mystery books of 2024 so far** **Daily Mail's best new books ...

Online ár:

5 104 Ft

Eredeti ár: 5 372 Ft

Tierney, John - Baumeister, Roy F.: The Power of Bad idegen
Tierney, John - Baumeister, Roy F.

The Power of Bad - And How to Overcome It

Penguin Books Ltd (UK), 2021

Why does a bad impression last longer than a good one? Why does losing money affect us more than gaining it? What makes phobias so hard t...

Online ár:

6 149 Ft

Eredeti ár: 6 472 Ft

Tierney, Thomas J - Fleishman, Joel L: Give Smart idegen
Tierney, Thomas J - Fleishman, Joel L

Give Smart - Philanthropy That Gets Results

PublicAffairs, 2012

A decade ago, Thomas J. Tierney left Bain & Company to cofound The Bridgespan Group, a nonprofit focused on helping donors and nonprofit ...

Online ár:

6 795 Ft

Eredeti ár: 7 152 Ft

Baumeister, Roy F. - Tierney, John: Die Macht des Schlechten idegen
Baumeister, Roy F. - Tierney, John

Die Macht des Schlechten - Nicht mehr schwarzsehen und gut leben

Campus Verlag GmbH, 2020

Bezwingen Sie den Negativitätseffekt! Warum brauchen wir durchschnittlich vier gute Erlebnisse, um ein schlechtes emotional auszugleichen...

Online ár:

10 610 Ft

Eredeti ár: 11 168 Ft

Baumeister, Roy F. - Tierney, John: Die Macht der Disziplin idegen
Baumeister, Roy F. - Tierney, John

Die Macht der Disziplin - Wie wir unseren Willen trainieren können

Campus Verlag GmbH, 2022

Welche Eigenschaft ist entscheidend für Erfolg? Es ist nicht positives Denken, sondern Selbstdisziplin, stellte Roy Baumeister in seinen ...

Online ár:

9 345 Ft

Eredeti ár: 9 836 Ft

Roper, Nancy - Logan, Winifred W. - Tierney, Alison J.: Das Roper-Logan-Tierney-Modell idegen
Roper, Nancy - Logan, Winifred W. - Tierney, Alison J.

Das Roper-Logan-Tierney-Modell - Basierend auf Lebensaktivitäten (LA)

Hogrefe AG, 2023

Roper, Logan und Tierney (RLT) legen hier ihr letztes gemeinsames Buch vor, das die Entwicklung des RLT-Modells -nachzeichnet, zentrale K...

Online ár:

16 093 Ft

Eredeti ár: 16 940 Ft

Tierney, John - Baumeister, Roy F.: The Power of Bad idegen
Tierney, John - Baumeister, Roy F.

The Power of Bad - How the Negativity Effect Rules Us and How We Can Rule It

Penguin LLC US, 2021

"The most important book at the borderland of psychology and politics that I have ever read."-Martin E. P. Seligman, Zellerbach Family Pr...

Online ár:

8 300 Ft

Eredeti ár: 8 736 Ft

Tierney; Whooley: Diagnosztika és terápia tömören könyv

Diagnosztika és terápia tömören

Medicina Könyvkiadó Zrt., 2003

Szerény célunk az volt, hogy egy karcsú kötetben összefoglaljuk a kiválogatott betegségek diagnózisának, differenciáldiagnózisának és kez...

Online ár:

4 233 Ft

Eredeti ár: 4 980 Ft

Clarke, Cassia Tierney: Momentum idegen
Clarke, Cassia Tierney

Momentum - Master Your Mind, Move Your Body, Change Your Life

Orion Publishing Co, 2025

Discover the secret to making lasting change with advice and inspiration from coach and podcaster Cassia Tierney Clarke



Tierney, Josh: Rick and Morty: The Manga Vol. 2--After-School Science Club idegen
Tierney, Josh

Rick and Morty: The Manga Vol. 2--After-School Science Club

Oni Press, 2025

From two of the hottest creators in the American manga scene, writer Josh Tierney (World Piece, Iris Complex) and artist JeyOdin (Rick an...



Potts, Jason - Tierney, Kieran D. - Thomas, Stuart: Blockchain in Sports idegen
Potts, Jason - Tierney, Kieran D. - Thomas, Stuart

Blockchain in Sports - Insights

Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2025

This is the first book to examine the impact of blockchain technology on the business of sport. It introduces the fundamentals of blockch...



Tierney, P J: France, Recipes, Flavors, & Traditions idegen
Tierney, P J

France, Recipes, Flavors, & Traditions - Kids in the Kitchen

Kitchen Ink Publishing, 2025

Tie on your apron, and prepare for a delicious journey to France from your kitchen. Explore the recipes and traditions of France. This in...



Tierney, P J: India, Recipes, Flavors, & Traditions idegen
Tierney, P J

India, Recipes, Flavors, & Traditions - Kids in the Kitchen

Kitchen Ink Publishing, 2025

Get ready for a flavorful journey to India from your kitchen. Explore the recipes and traditions of India This informative cookbook Inclu...



Tierney, Kathleen: Disasters idegen
Tierney, Kathleen

Disasters - A Sociological Approach

Wiley John + Sons, 2025

Disasters kill, maim, and generate increasingly large economic losses. But they do not wreak their damage equally across populations. Eve...



Tierney, Nieve: The Fashion Oracle idegen
Tierney, Nieve

The Fashion Oracle - An occult guide to what to wear inspired by Chanel

Headline, 2025

Nothing to wear? Lost your fashion path? Is your look, and life, in need of divine inspiration? Consult the fashion oracle and discover y...

