Thomas Chatterton művei

Thomas Chatterton: Delphi Complete Works of Thomas Chatterton e-Könyv

Delphi Complete Works of Thomas Chatterton

Delphi Classics, 2015

Sacrificing any chance of his own fame, the eighteenth century teenage poet Thomas Chatterton attributed his poems to a fictitious fiftee...

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890 Ft

Williams, Thomas Chatterton: Selbstporträt in Schwarz und Weiß idegen
Williams, Thomas Chatterton

Selbstporträt in Schwarz und Weiß - Unlearning race

Bittermann, Klaus, 2021

»Eine elegant vorgetragene und pointiert kritische Reflexion u¿ber race und Identität, die perfekt in unsere Zeit passt. Dies ist ein sub...

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10 297 Ft

Eredeti ár: 10 838 Ft

Williams, Thomas Chatterton: Self-Portrait in Black and White idegen
Williams, Thomas Chatterton

Self-Portrait in Black and White - Unlearning Race

Hodder And Stoughton Ltd., 2021

A captivating, controversial interrogation of race and identity from one of America's most brilliant cultural critics

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6 209 Ft

Eredeti ár: 6 535 Ft

Chatterton Williams, Thomas: Summer of Our Discontent idegen
Chatterton Williams, Thomas

Summer of Our Discontent - The Age of Certainty and the Demise of Discourse

Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2025

An incisive, culturally observant analysis of the evolving mores, manners and taboos of social justice (“anti-racist”) orthodoxy, which h...



Williams, Thomas Chatterton: Summer of Our Discontent idegen
Williams, Thomas Chatterton

Summer of Our Discontent

Little, Brown, 2025



Williams, Thomas Chatterton: Summer of Our Discontent idegen
Williams, Thomas Chatterton

Summer of Our Discontent

Little, Brown Book Group, 2025




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