Sophie Kinsella writing as Madeleine Wickham művei

Sophie Kinsella writing as Madeleine Wickham: Swimming Pool Sunday idegen

Swimming Pool Sunday

Black Swan, 2011

On a shimmeringly hot Sunday in May, the Delaneys opened their pool to all the village for charity. Louise was there, so were her daughte...



Sophie Kinsella writing as Madeleine Wickham: Cocktails For Three idegen

Cocktails For Three

A crisp clean softcover, no markings throughout: Take three successful career women, the urbane world of London publishing, add friendshi...



Sophie Kinsella writing as Madeleine Wickham: Swimming Pool Sunday antikvár

Swimming Pool Sunday

Boontiwa Antikvárium

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Black Swan, 2011

On a shimmeringly hot Sunday in May, the Delaneys opened their pool to all the village for charity. Louise was there, so were her daughte...

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3 000 Ft

Sophie Kinsella writing as Madeleine Wickham: A Desirable Residence antikvár

A Desirable Residence

Mike és Tsa Antikvárium

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Black Swan, 2004

Liz and Jonathan Chambers are in trouble. They can't sell their old house. Here they are, stuck with two mortgages, mounting debts and a ...

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4 790 Ft


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Korábbi ár: az akciót megelőző 30 nap legalacsonyabb akciós ára