Plato művei

Keil, Verena - Plato, Hanni: Mal dir einen Sonnentag idegen
Keil, Verena - Plato, Hanni

Mal dir einen Sonnentag - 365 kreative Ideen für deinen Glauben

Gerth Medien, 2019

Jetzt kommt frischer Wind in dein Leben und deinen Glauben - mit je einer Idee pro Tag, die Spaß macht und leicht umzusetzen ist. Jeder M...

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4 266 Ft

Eredeti ár: 4 490 Ft

Plato: The Complete Plato e-Könyv

The Complete Plato

Booklassic, 2016

Plato (428/427–348/347 BCE) was a Greek philosopher and mathematician of the Classic Age who founded the Academy of Athens. Noted as a st...

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275 Ft

Plato: The Republic e-Könyv

The Republic

My Ebook Publishing House, 2016

One of the greatest works of philosophy, political theory, and literature ever produced, Plato’s Republic has shaped Western thought for ...

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290 Ft

Plato: Symposium e-Könyv


Booklassic, 2016

The Symposium is a philosophical dialogue written by Plato sometime after 385 BC. It is a discussion on the nature of love, taking the fo...

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275 Ft

Plato: Phaedo e-Könyv


Booklassic, 2015

Phaedo was written in the year -400 by Plato. This book is one of the most popular novels of Plato, and has been translated into several ...

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299 Ft

Plato: Parmenides e-Könyv


Booklassic, 2015

Parmenides was written in the year -400 by Plato. This book is one of the most popular novels of Plato, and has been translated into seve...

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299 Ft

Plato: Gorgias e-Könyv


Booklassic, 2015

Gorgias was written in the year -400 by Plato. This book is one of the most popular novels of Plato, and has been translated into several...

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299 Ft

Plato: Protagoras e-Könyv


Booklassic, 2015

Protagoras was written in the year -400 by Plato. This book is one of the most popular novels of Plato, and has been translated into seve...

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299 Ft

Plato: Statesman e-Könyv


Booklassic, 2016

Statesman was written in the year -400 by Plato. This book is one of the most popular novels of Plato, and has been translated into sever...

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275 Ft

Plato: The Republic idegen

The Republic

Penguin Books Ltd (UK), 2007

Plato's The Republic is widely acknowledged as the cornerstone of Western philosophy. Presented in the form of a dialogue between Socrate...

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6 172 Ft

Eredeti ár: 6 496 Ft

Plato: Timaeus idegen



Plato: The Laws idegen



Plato: The republic idegen



Plato: L'apologia di Socrate e-Könyv

L'apologia di Socrate

Booklassic, 2016

L'Apologia di Socrate e un testo giovanile di Platone. Scritto tra il 399 e il 388 a.C., e la piu credibile fonte di informazioni sul pro...

Online ár:

275 Ft

Plato: Laches e-Könyv


Booklassic, 2016

Laches was written in the year -400 by Plato. This book is one of the most popular novels of Plato, and has been translated into several ...

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275 Ft

Plato: Meno e-Könyv


Booklassic, 2015

Meno was written in the year -400 by Plato. This book is one of the most popular novels of Plato, and has been translated into several ot...

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299 Ft

Plato: Ion e-Könyv


Booklassic, 2015

Ion was written in the year -400 by Plato. This book is one of the most popular novels of Plato, and has been translated into several oth...

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299 Ft

Plato: Euthydemus e-Könyv


Booklassic, 2015

Euthydemus was written in the year -400 by Plato. This book is one of the most popular novels of Plato, and has been translated into seve...

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299 Ft

Plato: Euthyphro e-Könyv


Booklassic, 2015

Euthyphro was written in the year -400 by Plato. This book is one of the most popular novels of Plato, and has been translated into sever...

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299 Ft

Plato: Timaeus idegen

Timaeus - in large print

Outlook Verlag, 2022

Reproduction of the original.

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21 113 Ft

Eredeti ár: 22 224 Ft

Plato: Five Dialogues: Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Meno, Phaedo (Hackett Publishing Company) antikvár

Five Dialogues: Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Meno, Phaedo (Hackett Publishing Company)


jó állapotú antikvár könyv


427 BC-347 BC The Republic , the best known of these many dialogues with Socrates, mentor, as the central character, expounds idealism...

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2 900 Ft

Plato: The Republic idegen

The Republic

The Republic of Plato is the longest of his works with the exception of the Laws, and is certainly the greatest of them. There are nearer...



Plato: The Symposium antikvár

The Symposium

Szentendre Antikvárium

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Penguin Books, 1978

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3 890 Ft

Plato: The Phaedo Of Plato (1883) idegen

The Phaedo Of Plato (1883)

Kessinger Publishing, LLC, 2009

The Phaedo of Plato is a philosophical dialogue between Socrates and his followers, in which they discuss the nature of the soul, the aft...

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12 826 Ft

Eredeti ár: 13 501 Ft

Plato: Socrates' Defence antikvár

Socrates' Defence

Mike és Tsa Antikvárium

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Somewhere between a historical account and work of philosophy, Socrates' Defence details the final plea of Plato's beloved mentor.

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3 990 Ft

Plato: The republic könyv



Plato: The Republic idegen

The Republic - Gilded Pocket Edition

Arcturus Publishing Ltd, 2025



Plato: The Republic idegen

The Republic

Union Square & Co., 2025

Presented in the form of a dialogue between Socrates and three different interlocutors, this classic text is an enquiry into the notion o...



Plato: The Dialogues of Socrates idegen

The Dialogues of Socrates - Gilded Pocket Edition

Arcturus Publishing, 2025

This elegant collector's edition presents the classic philosophical work The Dialogues of Socrates featuring gold cover embossing and gil...



Plato: The Collected Dialogues of Plato idegen

The Collected Dialogues of Plato

Princeton University Press, 2025

"The Platonic Forms of the Platonic dialogues."-Rebecca Newberger Goldstein, author of Plato at the GoogleplexFor the first time in paper...



Plato: The Republic idegen

The Republic

Gröls, Marcel, Dr., 2023

Plato's "Republic" is the oldest known elaborated writing of political philosophy in human history. As the foundational writing of the do...

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9 783 Ft

Eredeti ár: 10 297 Ft

Plato: Dialogues: Symposium & Phaedrus idegen

Dialogues: Symposium & Phaedrus

Aatos Editions, 2025



Plato, Hanni: GartenGlück idegen
Plato, Hanni

GartenGlück - Begegnungen mit Gott im Garten

Gerth Medien, 2024

Dieses liebevoll gestaltete Buch ist eine einzigartige Kombination aus 52 Andachten, in denen biblische Themen rundum den Garten aufgegri...

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10 711 Ft

Eredeti ár: 11 274 Ft

Plato, Hanni: GartenGlück - Aufstellbuch idegen
Plato, Hanni

GartenGlück - Aufstellbuch - 52 Bibelverse und ermutigende Gedanken

Gerth Medien, 2023

Dieses liebevoll gestaltete Aufstellbuch enthält ermutigende Bibelverse und Zitate und wird Ihnen bei jedem Blick darauf Freude bereiten ...

Online ár:

6 363 Ft

Eredeti ár: 6 697 Ft

Plato, Plato - Benardete, Seth: Plato`s Symposium - A Translation by Seth Benardete with Commentaries by Allan Bloom and Seth Benardete idegen
Plato, Plato - Benardete, Seth

Plato`s Symposium - A Translation by Seth Benardete with Commentaries by Allan Bloom and Seth Benardete - A Translation by Seth Benardete with Commentaries by Allan Bloom and Seth Benardete

The University of Chicago Press, 2001

SymposiumThe Ladder of Love BY ALLAN BLOOMOn Plato's Symposium BY SETH BENARDETE

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7 648 Ft

Eredeti ár: 8 050 Ft

Plato - Aristophanes: Four Texts on Socrates idegen
Plato - Aristophanes

Four Texts on Socrates - Plato's Euthyphro, Apology, and Crito and Aristophanes' Clouds

Cornell University Press, 1998

This book offers translations of four major works of ancient Greek literature which treat the life and thought of Socrates, focusing part...

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6 796 Ft

Eredeti ár: 7 153 Ft

Plato - Turner, Bingham Dixon: The Republic of Plato, Book 10 idegen
Plato - Turner, Bingham Dixon

The Republic of Plato, Book 10

Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2022

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8 477 Ft

Eredeti ár: 8 923 Ft

Schol, Nicole - Plato, Hanni: Von guten Mächten wunderbar geborgen idegen
Schol, Nicole - Plato, Hanni

Von guten Mächten wunderbar geborgen - Der ermutigende Wegbegleiter für trübe Tage

Gerth Medien, 2023

Dieses Ermutigungsbuch voller Hoffnungsstrahlen ist genau dann das Richtige, wenn das Leben eher grau und verhangen ist. Es enthält sorgf...

Online ár:

4 228 Ft

Eredeti ár: 4 450 Ft

Schol, Nicole - Plato, Hanni: Gott segne dich idegen
Schol, Nicole - Plato, Hanni

Gott segne dich - Der ermutigende Wegbegleiter für deinen Alltag

Gerth Medien, 2023

Wer jemandem von Herzen Gottes Segen wünschen möchte oder auf der Suche nach einer Kleinigkeit zum Geburtstag ist, für den ist dieses kle...

Online ár:

4 228 Ft

Eredeti ár: 4 450 Ft

Werner, Uwe - Plato, Bodo von: Thesen zur Weihnachtstagung 1923/24 idegen
Werner, Uwe - Plato, Bodo von

Thesen zur Weihnachtstagung 1923/24 - als Elemente für die Zukunftsgestaltung der Anthroposophischen Gesellschaft. Eine Studie

Verlag Freies Geistesleben & Urachhaus GmbH, 2024

Rudolf Steiner setzte bei der (Neu-)Begründung der Anthroposophischen Gesellschaft auf der Weihnachtstagung 1923/24 sein volles Vertrauen...

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8 037 Ft

Eredeti ár: 8 459 Ft


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