Peter Ackroyd művei

Ackroyd, Peter: Colours of London idegen
Ackroyd, Peter

Colours of London - A History

Quarto, 2022

Peter Ackroyd tells the history of London through the lens of colour - with specially commissioned colourised photographs from Dynamichro...

Online ár:

13 719 Ft

Eredeti ár: 14 441 Ft

Ackroyd, Peter: London - Die Biographie idegen
Ackroyd, Peter

London - Die Biographie

Pantheon, 2022

Eine großartige Geschichte der Weltstadt London »London ist so groß und wild, dass es alles in sich enthält«, schreibt Peter Ackroyd und ...

Online ár:

12 001 Ft

Eredeti ár: 12 632 Ft

Ackroyd, Peter: Shakespeare idegen
Ackroyd, Peter

Shakespeare - The Biography

Penguin Random House LLC, 2006

With his magisterial and ingenious re-creations of the lives of Chaucer, Dickens, T. S. Eliot, William Blake, and Sir Thomas More, Peter ...

Online ár:

10 466 Ft

Eredeti ár: 11 016 Ft

Peter Ackroyd: Blake antikvár

Blake - Saját képpel

Vonnegut Antikvárium

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

The Folio Society, 2008

Online ár:

9 990 Ft

Peter Ackroyd: London: The Biography antikvár

London: The Biography

Much of Peter Ackroyd's work has been concerned with the life and past of London but here, as a culmination, is his definitive account of...


8 390 Ft - 8 500 Ft

Peter Ackroyd: London - The Biography antikvár

London - The Biography


jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Vintage Books, 2001

Online ár:

7 900 Ft

Peter Ackroyd: Queer City: Gay London from the Romans to the Present Day ("Meleg London a rómaiaktól napjainkig" angol nyelven) antikvár

Online ár:

5 990 Ft

Peter Ackroyd: Ezra Pound and his world antikvár

Ezra Pound and his world

Könyvlabirintus Antikvárium

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Thames And Hudson, 1980

Online ár:

4 800 Ft

Peter Ackroyd: The History of England: Volume IV. Revolution - Revoluciya: istoriya Anglii. Ot bitvi na reke Boin do Vaterloo, orosz nyelvű antikvár

Online ár:

3 490 Ft

Peter Ackroyd: Milton in America antikvár


3 060 Ft - 3 250 Ft

Peter Ackroyd: The Casebook of Victor Frankenstein antikvár

The Casebook of Victor Frankenstein

Központi Antikvárium Kft.

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Chatto & Windus, 2008

It was at Oxford that I first met Bysshe. We arrived at our college on the same day; confusing to a mere foreigner, it is called Universi...

Online ár:

3 000 Ft

Peter Ackroyd: THE CLERKENWELL TALES antikvár


Vonnegut Antikvárium

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Vintage Books, 2004

Online ár:

2 990 Ft

Peter Ackroyd: The Plato Papers (A Platón-iratok, angol nyelven) antikvár

The Plato Papers (A Platón-iratok, angol nyelven) - saját képpel

Pestszentlőrinci antikvárium

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Vintage Books, 2000

Online ár:

2 990 Ft

Peter Ackroyd: Cities of Blood - voyages through time antikvár

Cities of Blood - voyages through time

Szentendre Antikvárium

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Dorling Kindersley, 2005

Human sacrifice. War. Royal Palaces. Explore the awesome history of Meso America. Take a trip through the Zapotecs' City of the Gods or l...

Online ár:

2 790 Ft

Peter Ackroyd: Hawksmoor (Angol nyelvű krimi) antikvár


2 390 Ft - 2 490 Ft

Peter Ackroyd: Tetszés volt célom (William Shakespeare élete) antikvár

Tetszés volt célom (William Shakespeare élete)

Partvonal Könyvkiadó, 2005

Shakespeare személye és zseniális tehetsége igazi rejtély. Miként válhatott egy tanulatlan, vidéki mesterember fia alig néhány év alatt k...


1 190 Ft - 3 690 Ft

Peter Ackroyd: The Casebook of Victor Frankenstein idegen

The Casebook of Victor Frankenstein

Chatto & Windus, 2008

It was at Oxford that I first met Bysshe. We arrived at our college on the same day; confusing to a mere foreigner, it is called Universi...

Online ár:

4 190 Ft

Peter Ackroyd: Tetszés volt célom könyv

Tetszés volt célom - William Shakespeare élete

Partvonal Könyvkiadó, 2005

Ackroyd életrajzában egy valóságos, igazi hús-vér ember bontakozik ki előttünk, aki benne él a gondokkal és örömökkel teli anyagi világba...

Online ár:

3 400 Ft

Eredeti ár: 3 999 Ft

Peter Ackroyd: The Fall of Troy idegen

The Fall of Troy

Vintage Books, 2007

Sophia Chrysanthis is only 16 when the German archaeologist Herr Obermann comes wooing: he wants a Greek bride who knows her Homer. Soph...

Online ár:

2 425 Ft

Ackroyd, Peter: Forgotten London idegen
Ackroyd, Peter

Forgotten London - Exploring the Hidden Life of the City

Quarto, 2025

Step into the shadows of London’s past with Peter Ackroyd as he uncovers the untold stories and forgotten lives that shaped the city. Pac...



Ackroyd, Peter: The English Soul idegen
Ackroyd, Peter

The English Soul - Faith of a Nation

Reaktion Books, 2025

From celebrated historian and writer Peter Ackroyd, a magisterial portrayal of English Christianity over the centuries. This book portray...



Peter Ackroyd: The House of Doctor Dee könyv

The House of Doctor Dee

This novel centres on the famous 16th-century alchemist and astrologer John Dee. Reputedly a black magician, he was imprisoned by Queen M...



Peter Ackroyd: Dickens idegen


Dickens was a landmark biography when first published in 1990. This specially edited shorter edition takes the reader into the life of on...



Peter Ackroyd: The Casebook of Victor Frankenstein idegen

The Casebook of Victor Frankenstein

It was at Oxford that I first met Bysshe. We arrived at our college on the same day; confusing to a mere foreigner, it is called Universi...



Peter Ackroyd: Blake idegen



Peter Ackroyd: Venice idegen



Peter Ackroyd: The Clerkenwell Tales idegen

The Clerkenwell Tales

From the foremost contemporary chronicler of London's history, a suspenseful novel that ingeniously draws on Chaucer's The Canterbury Tal...



Peter Ackroyd: Foundation - The History of England  idegen

Foundation - The History of England

Having written enthralling biographies of London and of its great river, the Thames, Peter Ackroyd now turns to England itself. This firs...




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