Penney művei

Penney, Stef: Im Licht des Polarsterns idegen
Penney, Stef

Im Licht des Polarsterns - Roman

Aufbau TB, 2020

1889: Als Flora mit zwölf das erste Mal die Arktis sieht, ist sie fasziniert. Seither ist es ihr größter Wunsch, Polarforscherin zu werde...

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5 567 Ft

Eredeti ár: 5 859 Ft

Penney, Stef: The Long Water idegen
Penney, Stef

The Long Water

Quercus Publishing Plc, 2024

Author of the Costa-prizewinning, world-wide bestseller The Tenderness of Wolves, Stef Penney, returns to her snow-covered heartland in t...

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8 938 Ft

Eredeti ár: 9 408 Ft

Penney, Stef: The Beasts of Paris idegen
Penney, Stef

The Beasts of Paris

Quercus Publishing Plc, 2024

In Paris 1870, three wandering souls find themselves in a city set to descend into war. 'A historical epic that Jessie Burton fans will a...

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5 760 Ft

Eredeti ár: 6 063 Ft

Marinkovic-Penney, Dusica: Das Bürgerliche Trauerspiel. Die Frauenfiguren in Lessings "Miss Sara Sampson" und "Emilia Galotti". idegen
Marinkovic-Penney, Dusica

Das Bürgerliche Trauerspiel. Die Frauenfiguren in Lessings "Miss Sara Sampson" und "Emilia Galotti".

GRIN Verlag, 2008

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2005 im Fachbereich Germanistik - Neuere Deutsche Literatur, Note: 1, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen (German...

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7 585 Ft

Eredeti ár: 7 984 Ft

Penney, Elizabeth: Bodies and Battlements idegen
Penney, Elizabeth

Bodies and Battlements

St. Martin's Publishing Group, 2025

The first in a new cozy mystery series by Elizabeth Penney investigates a suspicious murder in a haunted British castle-turned-bed and br...



Penney, Kate: We'll Always Have Paris idegen
Penney, Kate

We'll Always Have Paris - The uplifting debut rom-com of the year set against the stunning backdrop of the City of Lights

Hodder & Stoughton, 2025

The feel-good debut of the year, an uplifting romantic adventure set against the lights, food and beauty of the City of Love.



Upton, Penney: Psychology Express: Developmental Psychology idegen
Upton, Penney

Psychology Express: Developmental Psychology

Pearson Education Limited, 2025

Discover the ultimate revision guide to help you excel in your assessments! Psychology Express: Developmental Psychology, 2nd edition is ...



Penney, Elizabeth: Final de Capítulo idegen
Penney, Elizabeth

Final de Capítulo - Volume 1

Editorial Alma, 2025

Molly Kimball y su madre, Nina, han vivido un momento complicado y necesitan pasar pá gina, así que, cuando reciben una carta de la tí a ...



Penney, Stef: The Long Water idegen
Penney, Stef

The Long Water

Quercus Publishing Plc, 2025

After her magnificent historical epic, The Beasts of Paris, Stef Penney returns to her heartland in this tense thriller set in a small Sc...



Penney, Elizabeth: Vows and Villainy idegen
Penney, Elizabeth

Vows and Villainy

St. Martin's Publishing Group, 2025

Vows and Villainy is the fifth book in Elizabeth Penney's delightful Cambridge Bookshop series set in Cambridge, England, where celebrati...



Penney, Elizabeth: Seeds of Suspicion idegen
Penney, Elizabeth

Seeds of Suspicion

Guideposts, 2025

Seeds of Suspicion is the third book in the Mysteries of Blackberry Valley fiction series. It's Blackberry Valley Festival time, and the ...



Penney, Vanessa F: The Witch of Willow Sound idegen
Penney, Vanessa F

The Witch of Willow Sound

ECW Press, 2025

For readers of Our Wives Under the Sea and The Once and Future Witches comes a feminist gothic tale with a tough-as-nails female protagon...




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