Paul John művei

Arcudi, John - Willis, Damon - Prosser, Jerry - Bissette, Steve - Somerville, Jim - Grant, Steven - Taylor, Christopher - Nguyen, Hoang - U. A. - Verheiden, Mark - Nelson, Mark A. - Kieth, Sam - Jones, Kelley - Beauvais, Denis - Guinan, Paul - Richardson, Mike - Bisley, Simon: Aliens Classic Collection idegen
Arcudi, John - Willis, Damon - Prosser, Jerry - Bissette, Steve - Somerville, Jim - Grant, Steven - Taylor, Christopher - Nguyen, Hoang - U. A. - Verheiden, Mark - Nelson, Mark A. - Kieth, Sam - Jones, Kelley - Beauvais, Denis - Guinan, Paul - Richardson, Mike - Bisley, Simon

Aliens Classic Collection - Bd. 1

Panini Verlags GmbH, 2024

Die Xenomorphe, die unerbittlichsten Kreaturen des Universums, verbreiten im gesamten Weltraum Angst und Schrecken. In dieser ersten Comi...

Online ár:

56 137 Ft

Eredeti ár: 59 091 Ft

Wilkins, John-Paul: Am Strand, Was lebt hier? idegen
Wilkins, John-Paul

Am Strand, Was lebt hier?

Globolino Verlag GmbH, 2017

In der Serie Was lebt hier? lernen junge Leser verschiedene Lebensräume kennen. Sie entdecken Tiere und Pflanzen, die sich perfekt an ihr...

Online ár:

4 570 Ft

Eredeti ár: 4 810 Ft

Minnick, Chris - Allan, Jeffrey - Mueller, John Paul - Massaron, Luca - Diamond, Stephanie - Baker, Pam - Stanton, Daniel - Singh, Shiv - Mladjenovic, Paul - Lindsell-Roberts, Sheryl: Artificial Intelligence All-In-One for Dummies idegen
Minnick, Chris - Allan, Jeffrey - Mueller, John Paul - Massaron, Luca - Diamond, Stephanie - Baker, Pam - Stanton, Daniel - Singh, Shiv - Mladjenovic, Paul - Lindsell-Roberts, Sheryl

Artificial Intelligence All-In-One for Dummies

Wiley, 2025



Mueller, John Paul - Massaron, Luca - Diamond, Stephanie: Artificial Intelligence For Dummies idegen
Mueller, John Paul - Massaron, Luca - Diamond, Stephanie

Artificial Intelligence For Dummies

Wiley John + Sons, 2024

Keep pace with the fast-evolving world of AI Artificial intelligence is just as artificial as it always was, but it's gotten considerably...

Online ár:

12 824 Ft

Eredeti ár: 13 498 Ft

King, Tom - Mann, Clay - Leon, John Paul - Chang, Bernard - Crystal, Shawn - Gerads, Mitch: Batman/Catwoman idegen
King, Tom - Mann, Clay - Leon, John Paul - Chang, Bernard - Crystal, Shawn - Gerads, Mitch

Batman/Catwoman - Bd. 4 (von 4)

Panini Verlags GmbH, 2022

DER LANGE SCHATTEN DES JOKERS Die Geister von Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft kennen keine Ruhe! Jetzt kommen alle Geheimnisse über ...

Online ár:

10 911 Ft

Eredeti ár: 11 485 Ft

King, Tom - Mann, Clay - Sharp, Liam - Weeks, Lee - Lark, Michael - Simonson, Walter - Janín, Mikel - Leon, John Paul - Gerads, Mitch: Batman/Catwoman (Deluxe Edition) idegen
King, Tom - Mann, Clay - Sharp, Liam - Weeks, Lee - Lark, Michael - Simonson, Walter - Janín, Mikel - Leon, John Paul - Gerads, Mitch

Batman/Catwoman (Deluxe Edition)

Panini Verlags GmbH, 2024

Vom preisgekrönten Autor Tom King! Die gefeierte Miniserie erstmals komplett als Deluxe Edition! Batman und Catwoman waren lange Zeit Geg...

Online ár:

21 803 Ft

Eredeti ár: 22 950 Ft

Manapul, Francis - U. A. - Buccellato, Brian - Layman, John - Lopresti, Aaron - Tomasi, Peter J. - Percy, Benjamin - Blanco, Fernando - Pasarin, Fernando - Leon, John Paul: Batman - Detective Comics: Die New 52-Ära (Deluxe Edition) idegen
Manapul, Francis - U. A. - Buccellato, Brian - Layman, John - Lopresti, Aaron - Tomasi, Peter J. - Percy, Benjamin - Blanco, Fernando - Pasarin, Fernando - Leon, John Paul

Batman - Detective Comics: Die New 52-Ära (Deluxe Edition) - Bd. 2 (von 2)

Panini Verlags GmbH, 2024

Die komplette "Batman - Detective Comics"-Serie aus der großartigen New 52-Ära in zwei hochwertigen Hardcover-Ausgaben.

Online ár:

43 174 Ft

Eredeti ár: 45 446 Ft

Tynion Iv, James - Coipel, Olivier - Lafuente, David - Braga, Laura - Booth, Brett - Rossmo, Riley - Leon, John Paul - Ridley, John - March, Guillem - Stokoe, James - Williamson, Joshua - Johns, Sam - Lobdell, Scott - Tamaki, Mariko - Watters, Dan: Batman Sonderband: Joker War idegen
Tynion Iv, James - Coipel, Olivier - Lafuente, David - Braga, Laura - Booth, Brett - Rossmo, Riley - Leon, John Paul - Ridley, John - March, Guillem - Stokoe, James - Williamson, Joshua - Johns, Sam - Lobdell, Scott - Tamaki, Mariko - Watters, Dan

Batman Sonderband: Joker War

Panini Verlags GmbH, 2021

DER TERROR DES JOKERS Der Joker hat Gotham City, die Stadt seines Erzfeinds Batman, mit seinen Killer-Clowns erobert, und nicht einmal de...

Online ár:

5 654 Ft

Eredeti ár: 5 951 Ft

Mueller, John Paul: Beginning Programming with Python For Dummies idegen
Mueller, John Paul

Beginning Programming with Python For Dummies

Wiley John + Sons, 2022

Take the bite out of learning Python® Python® is the most-used programming language in the world, and this update keeps you current with ...

Online ár:

14 999 Ft

Eredeti ár: 15 788 Ft

Pinel, John P. J. - Barnes, Steven J. - Pauli, Paul - Gamer, Matthias: Biopsychologie idegen
Pinel, John P. J. - Barnes, Steven J. - Pauli, Paul - Gamer, Matthias


Pearson Studium ein Imprint von Pearson Benelux B.V., 2024

Die Biopsychologie stellt eine Vielzahl sorgfältig ausgewählter Fallstudien vor, die in den Kapiteln hervorgehoben werden. Diese anregend...

Online ár:

28 285 Ft

Eredeti ár: 29 773 Ft

Lee, Stan - Gulacy, Paul - Perez, George - Grayson, Devin - Morgan, Richard K. - Jones, J. G. - Sienkiewicz, Bill - Ellis, Waren - Mallev, Alex - Edmondson, Nathan - Noto, Phil - Korok, N. - Samnes, Chris - Waid, Mark - Heck, Don - Romita Sr., John - Conway, Gerry - Colan, Gene - Claremont, Chris - Buscema, Sal - Macchio, Ralph: Black Widow Anthologie idegen
Lee, Stan - Gulacy, Paul - Perez, George - Grayson, Devin - Morgan, Richard K. - Jones, J. G. - Sienkiewicz, Bill - Ellis, Waren - Mallev, Alex - Edmondson, Nathan - Noto, Phil - Korok, N. - Samnes, Chris - Waid, Mark - Heck, Don - Romita Sr., John - Conway, Gerry - Colan, Gene - Claremont, Chris - Buscema, Sal - Macchio, Ralph

Black Widow Anthologie - Agentin und Avenger

Panini Verlags GmbH, 2020

SUPERSPIONIN UND SUPERHELDIN Natasha Romanoff wurde in Russland zur Spionin ausgebildet. Bei ihrem Debüt kämpfte sie sogar gegen Iron Man...

Online ár:

12 726 Ft

Eredeti ár: 13 395 Ft

Grey, Paul - Little, Rosemarie - Macpherson, Robin - Etty, John: Cambridge IGCSE(TM) and O Level History Option B: the 20th Century Coursebook with Digital Access idegen
Grey, Paul - Little, Rosemarie - Macpherson, Robin - Etty, John

Cambridge IGCSE(TM) and O Level History Option B: the 20th Century Coursebook with Digital Access

Cambridge University Pr., 2023

Help your learners discover a curiosity for exploring the past with our new history coursebook with digital access. Endorsed for Option B...

Online ár:

18 508 Ft

Eredeti ár: 19 482 Ft

Davis, John - Davis, John Paul: Castles of Wales idegen
Davis, John - Davis, John Paul

Castles of Wales

Pen & Sword Books, 2025

In 1277, Llywelyn ap Gruffudd, Prince of Gwynedd, met with Edward I of England in Aberconwy to finalise a treaty that would change the fa...



Miller, Marc W. - Brown, Timothy B. - Emigh, Dave - Hamilton, Winston - Harshman, John H. - Kallenbach, Chuck - Keith, J. Andrew - Mclnnes, Terrence - Rapp, Don - Renner, Scott - Roth, Wayne - Chadwick, Frank - Svajlenka, Tony - Wiseman, Loren K. - Wynder, Valerie - Fuchs, Werner - Thomas, Gary - Fugate, Joe D. - Sr. - Astell, John M. - Baker, Cindy - Baker, James - Banner, Paul R.: Classic Traveller - Die Regeln idegen
Miller, Marc W. - Brown, Timothy B. - Emigh, Dave - Hamilton, Winston - Harshman, John H. - Kallenbach, Chuck - Keith, J. Andrew - Mclnnes, Terrence - Rapp, Don - Renner, Scott - Roth, Wayne - Chadwick, Frank - Svajlenka, Tony - Wiseman, Loren K. - Wynder, Valerie - Fuchs, Werner - Thomas, Gary - Fugate, Joe D. - Sr. - Astell, John M. - Baker, Cindy - Baker, James - Banner, Paul R.

Classic Traveller - Die Regeln

Ulisses Medien und Spiel Distribution GmbH, 2021

Edles Hardcover-Regelwerk in schwarzem Kunstleder gebunden. Auf 382 Seiten findest du alle Regeln für Traveller. In diesem einzigartigen ...

Online ár:

26 140 Ft

Eredeti ár: 27 515 Ft

Minnick, Chris - Holland, Eva - Abraham, Nikhil - Mueller, John Paul - Massaron, Luca - Burd, Barry: Coding Alles-in-einem-Band für Dummies idegen
Minnick, Chris - Holland, Eva - Abraham, Nikhil - Mueller, John Paul - Massaron, Luca - Burd, Barry

Coding Alles-in-einem-Band für Dummies

Wiley-VCH, 2023

Wenn Sie Webseiten oder mobile Apps entwickeln möchten, dann ist dieses Buch wie für Sie gemacht! Auch ganz ohne Vorkenntnisse steigen Si...

Online ár:

14 925 Ft

Eredeti ár: 15 710 Ft

Lippert, Sebastian - Braun, Lisa - Buchholz, Sabine - Dietrich, Wiebke Bettina - Lorenz, Benjamin - Ohlmann, Pascal - Walther, Veronika - Ohmsieder, Birgit - Loh, Sylvia - Sedlatschek, Andreas - Maloney, Paul - John, Maren - Hohwiller, Peter - Baasner, Martina - Bartscherer, Irene: Context Oberstufe. Bayern - Schulbuch (Festeinband) idegen
Lippert, Sebastian - Braun, Lisa - Buchholz, Sabine - Dietrich, Wiebke Bettina - Lorenz, Benjamin - Ohlmann, Pascal - Walther, Veronika - Ohmsieder, Birgit - Loh, Sylvia - Sedlatschek, Andreas - Maloney, Paul - John, Maren - Hohwiller, Peter - Baasner, Martina - Bartscherer, Irene

Context Oberstufe. Bayern - Schulbuch (Festeinband)

Cornelsen Verlag, 2024

Neues trifft Bewährtes - das neue Context Bayern ab 2023! Systematische Abiturvorbereitung aller prüfungsrelevanten Aufgabenformate - per...

Online ár:

13 328 Ft

Eredeti ár: 14 029 Ft

Stonard, John-Paul: Creation idegen
Stonard, John-Paul

Creation - A fully illustrated, panoramic world history of art from ancient civilisation to the present day

Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, 2021

**SELECTED AS A BEST ART BOOK OF THE YEAR BY THE SUNDAY TIMES** 'Stonard traverses the sweep of human history, moving between cultures an...

Online ár:

17 078 Ft

Eredeti ár: 17 976 Ft

Burnham, Chris - Dini, Paul - Langford, Stephen - Lapham, David - Mccrea, John - Henderson, Erica - Francavilla, Francesco - Jones, Kelley: Creepshow. Band 1 idegen
Burnham, Chris - Dini, Paul - Langford, Stephen - Lapham, David - Mccrea, John - Henderson, Erica - Francavilla, Francesco - Jones, Kelley

Creepshow. Band 1

Splitter-Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, 2025

Was schleicht dort durch die Finsternis? Was nähert sich dir unbemerkt? Warum überkommt dich ein Schauder, als läge des Schnitters Knoche...



Collier, Paul - Kay, John: Das Ende der Gier idegen
Collier, Paul - Kay, John

Das Ende der Gier - Wie der Individualismus unsere Gesellschaft zerreißt - und warum die Politik wieder dem Zusammenhalt dienen muss

Siedler, 2021

Wie der radikale Individualismus unsere Gesellschaft zerreißt - und wie die Politik dagegensteuern kann Warum werden die demokratischen G...

Online ár:

10 422 Ft

Eredeti ár: 10 970 Ft

Mueller, John Paul - Massaron, Luca: Data Science Programming All-in-One For Dummies idegen
Mueller, John Paul - Massaron, Luca

Data Science Programming All-in-One For Dummies

Wiley John + Sons, 2020

Your complete guide to data science programming This friendly guide charts a path through the fundamentals of data science and then delve...

Online ár:

18 563 Ft

Eredeti ár: 19 539 Ft

Dini, Paul - Suayan, Mico - Badower, Jason - March, Guillem - Humphries, Sam - Henderson, Erica - Williams, Rob - Timms, John - Castellucci, Cecil - Hipp, Dan - Lee, Mindy - Conner, Amanda - Dodson, Terry - Palmiotti, Jimmy - Hardin, Chad - Scavone, Rafael - Albuquerque, Rafael - Phillips, Stephanie - Rossmo, Riley - Garcia, Kami: DC Celebration: Harley Quinn idegen
Dini, Paul - Suayan, Mico - Badower, Jason - March, Guillem - Humphries, Sam - Henderson, Erica - Williams, Rob - Timms, John - Castellucci, Cecil - Hipp, Dan - Lee, Mindy - Conner, Amanda - Dodson, Terry - Palmiotti, Jimmy - Hardin, Chad - Scavone, Rafael - Albuquerque, Rafael - Phillips, Stephanie - Rossmo, Riley - Garcia, Kami

DC Celebration: Harley Quinn

Panini Verlags GmbH, 2023

HARLEYS BUNTE PALETTE Sie startete als Gehilfin des Jokers in der Batman-Zeichentrickserie der 1990er - heute zählt Harley Quinn zu den b...

Online ár:

11 304 Ft

Eredeti ár: 11 898 Ft

Mueller, John Paul - Massaron, Luca: Deep Learning kompakt für Dummies idegen
Mueller, John Paul - Massaron, Luca

Deep Learning kompakt für Dummies

Wiley-VCH, 2020

Wollen Sie sich über Deep Learning informieren und vielleicht erste kleine Schritte machen, diese Technologie zu nutzen? Dann hilft Ihnen...

Online ár:

11 277 Ft

Eredeti ár: 11 870 Ft

Allely, Steve - Baker, Tim - Comstock, Paul - Hamm, Jim - Hardcastle, Ron - Massey, Jay - Strunk, John: Die Bibel des traditionellen Bogenbaus 1 idegen
Allely, Steve - Baker, Tim - Comstock, Paul - Hamm, Jim - Hardcastle, Ron - Massey, Jay - Strunk, John

Die Bibel des traditionellen Bogenbaus 1

Hörnig, Angelika, 2019

Deutsche Übersetzung des amerikanischen Standardwerkes zum Thema traditioneller Bogenbau und Holzbögen aus natürlichen Werkstoffen. Inhal...

Online ár:

12 645 Ft

Eredeti ár: 13 310 Ft

Lundin, Stephen C. - Paul, Harry - Christensen, John: Fish! idegen
Lundin, Stephen C. - Paul, Harry - Christensen, John

Fish! - A proven way to boost morale and improve results

Hodder And Stoughton Ltd., 2014

Revised edition of this internationally bestselling parable about boosting morale and improving results, taking lessons from the world fa...

Online ár:

5 615 Ft

Eredeti ár: 5 910 Ft

Lundin, Stephen C. - Paul, Harry - Christensen, John: Fish!(TM) idegen
Lundin, Stephen C. - Paul, Harry - Christensen, John

Fish!(TM) - Ein ungewöhnliches Motivationsbuch - Mit einem Vorwort von Ken Blanchard - Jetzt aktualisiert!

Goldmann, 2015

"Fish!(TM)" verrät das Erfolgsgeheimnis des weltberühmten Pike Place Fischmarkts in Seattle. Die Geschichte zeigt, wie unglaublich wichti...

Online ár:

5 200 Ft

Eredeti ár: 5 473 Ft

Collier, Paul - Kay, John: Greed Is Dead idegen
Collier, Paul - Kay, John

Greed Is Dead - Politics After Individualism

Penguin Books Ltd (UK), 2021

Two of the UK's leading economists call for an end to extreme individualism as the engine of prosperity 'provocative but thought-provokin...

Online ár:

5 627 Ft

Eredeti ár: 5 923 Ft

Soars, Liz - Soars, John - Hancock, Paul: Headway: Advanced: Student's Book A with Online Practice idegen
Soars, Liz - Soars, John - Hancock, Paul

Headway: Advanced: Student's Book A with Online Practice

Oxford University ELT, 2019

Headway 5th edition provides fresh, relevant English instruction needed for success today. Headway and its award-winning authors, Liz and...

Online ár:

11 673 Ft

Eredeti ár: 12 287 Ft

Hancock, Paul - Soars, Liz - Soars, John: Headway: Advanced: Student's Book B with Online Practice idegen
Hancock, Paul - Soars, Liz - Soars, John

Headway: Advanced: Student's Book B with Online Practice

Oxford University ELT, 2019

Headway 5th edition provides fresh, relevant English instruction needed for success today. Headway and its award-winning authors, Liz and...

Online ár:

11 673 Ft

Eredeti ár: 12 287 Ft

Hancock, Paul - Soars, John - Soars, Liz: Headway: Advanced: Student's Book with Online Practice idegen
Hancock, Paul - Soars, John - Soars, Liz

Headway: Advanced: Student's Book with Online Practice

Oxford University ELT, 2019

Headway 5th edition provides fresh, relevant English instruction needed for success today. Headway and its award-winning authors, Liz and...

Online ár:

21 399 Ft

Eredeti ár: 22 525 Ft

Soars, John - Soars, Liz - Hancock, Paul: Headway: Elementary. Student's Book A with Online Practice idegen
Soars, John - Soars, Liz - Hancock, Paul

Headway: Elementary. Student's Book A with Online Practice

Oxford University ELT, 2019

Headway 5th edition provides fresh, relevant English instruction needed for success today. Headway and its award-winning authors, Liz and...

Online ár:

11 666 Ft

Eredeti ár: 12 279 Ft

Soars, Liz - Soars, John - Hancock, Paul: Headway: Elementary. Student's Book with Online Practice idegen
Soars, Liz - Soars, John - Hancock, Paul

Headway: Elementary. Student's Book with Online Practice

Oxford University ELT, 2018

Headway 5th edition provides fresh, relevant English instruction needed for success today. Headway and its award-winning authors, Liz and...

Online ár:

21 387 Ft

Eredeti ár: 22 512 Ft

Soars, Liz - Soars, John - Hancock, Paul: Headway: Intermediate. Student's Book B with Online Practice idegen
Soars, Liz - Soars, John - Hancock, Paul

Headway: Intermediate. Student's Book B with Online Practice

Oxford University ELT, 2018

Headway 5th edition provides fresh, relevant English instruction needed for success today. Headway and its award-winning authors, Liz and...

Online ár:

11 669 Ft

Eredeti ár: 12 283 Ft

Soars, Liz - Soars, John - Hancock, Paul: Headway: Intermediate. Workbook with Key idegen
Soars, Liz - Soars, John - Hancock, Paul

Headway: Intermediate. Workbook with Key

Oxford University ELT, 2018

Headway 5th edition provides fresh, relevant English instruction needed for success today. Headway and its award-winning authors, Liz and...

Online ár:

12 097 Ft

Eredeti ár: 12 733 Ft

Soars, Liz - Soars, John - Hancock, Paul: Headway: Upper-Intermediate. Student's Book with Online Practice idegen
Soars, Liz - Soars, John - Hancock, Paul

Headway: Upper-Intermediate. Student's Book with Online Practice

Oxford University ELT, 2019

Headway 5th edition provides fresh, relevant English instruction needed for success today. Headway and its award-winning authors, Liz and...

Online ár:

21 392 Ft

Eredeti ár: 22 517 Ft

Paul John: Lépj be a kalózok veszélyes világába a térhatású képekkel könyv

Lépj be a kalózok veszélyes világába a térhatású képekkel - A TÉRHATÁSÚ KÉPEK SEGÍTSÉGÉVEL

Elektra Kiadóház, 2007

Lépj be velünk a kalózok veszélyes világába! Tanúja leszel az ádáz csatáknak, megtalálod az elrejtett kincset, izgalmas kalandokat élhets...



Paul John: Lépj be a kalózok veszélyes világába a térhatású képekkel antikvár

Lépj be a kalózok veszélyes világába a térhatású képekkel

Elektra Kiadóház, 2007

Lépj be velünk a kalózok veszélyes világába! Tanúja leszel az ádáz csatáknak, megtalálod az elrejtett kincset, izgalmas kalandokat élhets...


940 Ft - 1 990 Ft

Hughes, John - Dummett, Paul - Stephenson, Helen: Life 1 with the Spark Platform idegen
Hughes, John - Dummett, Paul - Stephenson, Helen

Life 1 with the Spark Platform

Cengage Learning, 2025

Life is a six-level, best-selling integrated-skills series with grammar and vocabulary for young adult and adult English language learner...



Hughes, John - Dummett, Paul - Stephenson, Helen: Life 2 with the Spark Platform idegen
Hughes, John - Dummett, Paul - Stephenson, Helen

Life 2 with the Spark Platform

Cengage Learning, 2025



Hughes, John - Dummett, Paul - Stephenson, Helen: Life 6 with the Spark Platform idegen
Hughes, John - Dummett, Paul - Stephenson, Helen

Life 6 with the Spark Platform

Cengage Learning, 2025

Life is a six-level, best-selling integrated-skills series with grammar and vocabulary for young adult and adult English language learner...



Dummett, Paul - Hughes, John - Stephenson, Helen: Life - First Edition A0/A1.1: Beginner - Student's Book and Workbook (Combo Split Edition A) + DVD-ROM idegen
Dummett, Paul - Hughes, John - Stephenson, Helen

Life - First Edition A0/A1.1: Beginner - Student's Book and Workbook (Combo Split Edition A) + DVD-ROM - Unit 1-6

National Geographic Learning/ Cengage Learning (EMEA) Limited, 2018

Life is an exciting six-level series available in British and American English that makes learning English an exploration of the world we...

Online ár:

15 493 Ft

Eredeti ár: 16 308 Ft

Dummett, Paul - Hughes, John - Stephenson, Helen: Life - Second Edition A0/A1.1: Beginner - Student's Book + App idegen
Dummett, Paul - Hughes, John - Stephenson, Helen

Life - Second Edition A0/A1.1: Beginner - Student's Book + App

National Geographic Learning/ Cengage Learning (EMEA) Limited, 2018

Informationen zum Titel: Student's Book + App Engaging tasks with fascinating National Geographic content Grammar reference with addition...

Online ár:

17 860 Ft

Eredeti ár: 18 799 Ft

Dummett, Paul - Hughes, John - Stephenson, Helen: Life - Second Edition A0/A1.1 Beginner - Student's Book and Workbook (Combo Split Edition B) + Audio-CD + App idegen
Dummett, Paul - Hughes, John - Stephenson, Helen

Life - Second Edition A0/A1.1 Beginner - Student's Book and Workbook (Combo Split Edition B) + Audio-CD + App - Unit 7-12

National Geographic Learning/ Cengage Learning (EMEA) Limited, 2018

Now in a new edition, National Geographic Learning brings the world to your classroom with Life , a six-level integrated-skills series wi...

Online ár:

14 960 Ft

Eredeti ár: 15 747 Ft

Dummett, Paul - Hughes, John - Stephenson, Helen: Life - Second Edition A1.2/A2.1: Elementary - Student's Book (Split Edition A) + App idegen
Dummett, Paul - Hughes, John - Stephenson, Helen

Life - Second Edition A1.2/A2.1: Elementary - Student's Book (Split Edition A) + App - Unit 1-6

National Geographic Learning/ Cengage Learning (EMEA) Limited, 2018

Informationen zur Reihenausgabe: Now in a new edition, National Geographic Learning brings the world to your classroom with Life , a six-...

Online ár:

10 177 Ft

Eredeti ár: 10 712 Ft

Dummett, Paul - Hughes, John - Stephenson, Helen: Life - Second Edition A1.2/A2.1: Elementary - Student's Book + App idegen
Dummett, Paul - Hughes, John - Stephenson, Helen

Life - Second Edition A1.2/A2.1: Elementary - Student's Book + App

National Geographic Learning/ Cengage Learning (EMEA) Limited, 2018

Informationen zum Titel: Student's Book + App Engaging tasks with fascinating National Geographic content Grammar reference with addition...

Online ár:

17 863 Ft

Eredeti ár: 18 803 Ft

Dummett, Paul - Hughes, John - Stephenson, Helen: Life - Second Edition A1.2/A2.1: Elementary - Student's Book and Workbook (Combo Split Edition A) + Audio-CD + App idegen
Dummett, Paul - Hughes, John - Stephenson, Helen

Life - Second Edition A1.2/A2.1: Elementary - Student's Book and Workbook (Combo Split Edition A) + Audio-CD + App - Unit 1-6

National Geographic Learning/ Cengage Learning (EMEA) Limited, 2018

Informationen zur Reihenausgabe: Now in a new edition, National Geographic Learning brings the world to your classroom with Life , a six-...

Online ár:

14 953 Ft

Eredeti ár: 15 739 Ft

Dummett, Paul - Hughes, John - Stephenson, Helen: Life - Second Edition A2.2/B1.1: Pre-Intermediate - Student's Book (Split Edition A) + App idegen
Dummett, Paul - Hughes, John - Stephenson, Helen

Life - Second Edition A2.2/B1.1: Pre-Intermediate - Student's Book (Split Edition A) + App - Unit 1-6

National Geographic Learning/ Cengage Learning (EMEA) Limited, 2018

Informationen zur Reihenausgabe: Now in a new edition, National Geographic Learning brings the world to your classroom with Life , a six-...

Online ár:

10 177 Ft

Eredeti ár: 10 712 Ft

Dummett, Paul - Hughes, John - Stephenson, Helen: Life - Second Edition A2.2/B1.1: Pre-Intermediate - Student's Book (Split Edition B) + App idegen
Dummett, Paul - Hughes, John - Stephenson, Helen

Life - Second Edition A2.2/B1.1: Pre-Intermediate - Student's Book (Split Edition B) + App - Unit 7-12

National Geographic Learning/ Cengage Learning (EMEA) Limited, 2018

Informationen zur Reihenausgabe: Now in a new edition, National Geographic Learning brings the world to your classroom with Life , a six-...

Online ár:

10 177 Ft

Eredeti ár: 10 712 Ft

Dummett, Paul - Hughes, John - Stephenson, Helen: Life - Second Edition A2.2/B1.1: Pre-Intermediate - Student's Book + App idegen
Dummett, Paul - Hughes, John - Stephenson, Helen

Life - Second Edition A2.2/B1.1: Pre-Intermediate - Student's Book + App

National Geographic Learning/ Cengage Learning (EMEA) Limited, 2018

Informationen zum Titel: Student's Book + App Engaging tasks with fascinating National Geographic content Grammar reference with addition...

Online ár:

18 803 Ft

Dummett, Paul - Hughes, John - Stephenson, Helen: Life - Second Edition A2.2/B1.1: Pre-Intermediate - Student's Book and Workbook (Combo Split Edition B) + Audio-CD + App idegen
Dummett, Paul - Hughes, John - Stephenson, Helen

Life - Second Edition A2.2/B1.1: Pre-Intermediate - Student's Book and Workbook (Combo Split Edition B) + Audio-CD + App - Unit 7-12

National Geographic Learning/ Cengage Learning (EMEA) Limited, 2018

Informationen zur Reihenausgabe: Now in a new edition, National Geographic Learning brings the world to your classroom with Life , a six-...

Online ár:

14 964 Ft

Eredeti ár: 15 751 Ft

Dummett, Paul - Hughes, John - Stephenson, Helen: Life - Second Edition A2.2/B1.1: Pre-Intermediate - Teacher's Book + Audio-CD + DVD idegen
Dummett, Paul - Hughes, John - Stephenson, Helen

Life - Second Edition A2.2/B1.1: Pre-Intermediate - Teacher's Book + Audio-CD + DVD

National Geographic Learning/ Cengage Learning (EMEA) Limited, 2018

Informationen zum Titel: Teacher's Book + Audio-CD + DVD Detailed teaching notes, answer keys, background information and teacher develop...

Online ár:

23 866 Ft

Eredeti ár: 25 122 Ft

Dummett, Paul - Hughes, John - Stephenson, Helen: Life - Second Edition B1.2/B2.1: Intermediate - Student's Book (Split Edition B) + App idegen
Dummett, Paul - Hughes, John - Stephenson, Helen

Life - Second Edition B1.2/B2.1: Intermediate - Student's Book (Split Edition B) + App - Unit 7-12

National Geographic Learning/ Cengage Learning (EMEA) Limited, 2018

Informationen zur Reihenausgabe: Now in a new edition, National Geographic Learning brings the world to your classroom with Life , a six-...

Online ár:

10 177 Ft

Eredeti ár: 10 712 Ft

Dummett, Paul - Hughes, John - Stephenson, Helen: Life - Second Edition B1.2/B2.1: Intermediate - Student's Book + App idegen
Dummett, Paul - Hughes, John - Stephenson, Helen

Life - Second Edition B1.2/B2.1: Intermediate - Student's Book + App

National Geographic Learning/ Cengage Learning (EMEA) Limited, 2018

Informationen zum Titel: Student's Book + App Engaging tasks with fascinating National Geographic content Grammar reference with addition...

Online ár:

18 803 Ft

Dummett, Paul - Hughes, John - Stephenson, Helen: Life - Second Edition B1.2/B2.1: Intermediate - Student's Book and Online Workbook (Printed Access Code) + App idegen
Dummett, Paul - Hughes, John - Stephenson, Helen

Life - Second Edition B1.2/B2.1: Intermediate - Student's Book and Online Workbook (Printed Access Code) + App

National Geographic Learning/ Cengage Learning (EMEA) Limited, 2018

Informationen zur Reihenausgabe: Now in a new edition, National Geographic Learning brings the world to your classroom with Life , a six-...

Online ár:

21 846 Ft

Eredeti ár: 22 995 Ft

Dummett, Paul - Hughes, John - Stephenson, Helen: Life - Second Edition B1.2/B2.1: Intermediate - Student's Book and Workbook (Combo Split Edition A) + Audio-CD + App idegen
Dummett, Paul - Hughes, John - Stephenson, Helen

Life - Second Edition B1.2/B2.1: Intermediate - Student's Book and Workbook (Combo Split Edition A) + Audio-CD + App - Unit 1-6

National Geographic Learning/ Cengage Learning (EMEA) Limited, 2018

Informationen zur Reihenausgabe: Now in a new edition, National Geographic Learning brings the world to your classroom with Life , a six-...

Online ár:

14 953 Ft

Eredeti ár: 15 739 Ft

Dummett, Paul - Hughes, John - Stephenson, Helen: Life - Second Edition B1.2/B2.1: Intermediate - Student's Book and Workbook (Combo Split Edition B) + Audio-CD + App idegen
Dummett, Paul - Hughes, John - Stephenson, Helen

Life - Second Edition B1.2/B2.1: Intermediate - Student's Book and Workbook (Combo Split Edition B) + Audio-CD + App - Unit 7-12

National Geographic Learning/ Cengage Learning (EMEA) Limited, 2018

Informationen zur Reihenausgabe: Now in a new edition, National Geographic Learning brings the world to your classroom with Life , a six-...

Online ár:

14 968 Ft

Eredeti ár: 15 755 Ft

Dummett, Paul - Hughes, John - Stephenson, Helen: Life - Second Edition B2.1/B2.2: Upper Intermediate - Student's Book (Split Edition B) + App idegen
Dummett, Paul - Hughes, John - Stephenson, Helen

Life - Second Edition B2.1/B2.2: Upper Intermediate - Student's Book (Split Edition B) + App - Unit 7-12

National Geographic Learning/ Cengage Learning (EMEA) Limited, 2018

Informationen zur Reihenausgabe: Now in a new edition, National Geographic Learning brings the world to your classroom with Life , a six-...

Online ár:

10 177 Ft

Eredeti ár: 10 712 Ft

Dummett, Paul - Hughes, John - Stephenson, Helen: Life - Second Edition B2.1/B2.2: Upper Intermediate - Student's Book + App idegen
Dummett, Paul - Hughes, John - Stephenson, Helen

Life - Second Edition B2.1/B2.2: Upper Intermediate - Student's Book + App

National Geographic Learning/ Cengage Learning (EMEA) Limited, 2018

Informationen zum Titel: Student's Book + App Engaging tasks with fascinating National Geographic content Grammar reference with addition...

Online ár:

17 867 Ft

Eredeti ár: 18 807 Ft

Dummett, Paul - Hughes, John - Stephenson, Helen: Life - Second Edition B2.1/B2.2: Upper Intermediate - Student's Book and Workbook (Combo Split Edition A) + Audio-CD + App idegen
Dummett, Paul - Hughes, John - Stephenson, Helen

Life - Second Edition B2.1/B2.2: Upper Intermediate - Student's Book and Workbook (Combo Split Edition A) + Audio-CD + App - Unit 1-6

National Geographic Learning/ Cengage Learning (EMEA) Limited, 2018

Informationen zur Reihenausgabe: Now in a new edition, National Geographic Learning brings the world to your classroom with Life , a six-...

Online ár:

14 956 Ft

Eredeti ár: 15 743 Ft

Dummett, Paul - Hughes, John - Stephenson, Helen: Life - Second Edition B2.1/B2.2: Upper Intermediate - Student's Book and Workbook (Combo Split Edition B) + Audio-CD + App idegen
Dummett, Paul - Hughes, John - Stephenson, Helen

Life - Second Edition B2.1/B2.2: Upper Intermediate - Student's Book and Workbook (Combo Split Edition B) + Audio-CD + App - Unit 7-12

National Geographic Learning/ Cengage Learning (EMEA) Limited, 2018

Informationen zur Reihenausgabe: Now in a new edition, National Geographic Learning brings the world to your classroom with Life , a six-...

Online ár:

14 964 Ft

Eredeti ár: 15 751 Ft


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