Lemony Snicket művei

Lemony Snicket: A balszerencse áradása 1. - A baljós kezdet könyv

A balszerencse áradása 1. - A baljós kezdet

Könyvmolyképző Kiadó Kft., 2021

"A házatok... fájdalom... porig égett." Kedves Olvasó ! Hallottál már a Baudelaire gyerekekről? A kedves, szép, okos testvérek - V...

Online ár:

1 700 Ft

Eredeti ár: 1 999 Ft

Lemony Snicket: A balszerencse áradása 2. - A hüllők terme könyv

A balszerencse áradása 2. - A hüllők terme

Könyvmolyképző Kiadó Kft., 2021

A gyerekek tényleg nem féltek Olaf gróftól? Ha azért vetted kézbe ezt a könyvet, hogy egy egyszerű és vidám történetet olvass, akkor ...

Online ár:

1 700 Ft

Eredeti ár: 1 999 Ft

Lemony Snicket: A balszerencse áradása 3. - A rejtélyes levél könyv

A balszerencse áradása 3. - A rejtélyes levél

Könyvmolyképző Kiadó Kft., 2022

Ezt tényleg tovább akarod olvasni? Violet, Klaus és Sunny a mindenben veszélyt sejtő Josephin nénihez kerülnek, akinek a háza meglepet...

Online ár:

1 955 Ft

Eredeti ár: 2 299 Ft

Lemony Snicket: The wide window (A széles ablak) - A Series of Unfortunate Events 3. antikvár

The wide window (A széles ablak) - A Series of Unfortunate Events 3.

Németvölgyi Antikvárium

jó állapotú antikvár könyv


Online ár:

1 990 Ft

Lemony Snicket: The Miserable Mill - A Series of Unfortunate Events 4. antikvár

The Miserable Mill - A Series of Unfortunate Events 4.

Németvölgyi Antikvárium

jó állapotú antikvár könyv


I hope, for your sake, that you have not chosen to read this book because you are in the mood for a pleasant experience. If this is the c...

Online ár:

1 090 Ft

Lemony Snicket: The hostile hospital - A Series of Unfortunate Events 8. antikvár

The hostile hospital - A Series of Unfortunate Events 8.

Pestszentlőrinci antikvárium

jó állapotú antikvár könyv


Online ár:

3 990 Ft

Lemony Snicket: The Wide Window antikvár

The Wide Window

Könyvbogár Antikvárium

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Harper Collins, 2000

If you have not read anything about the Baudelaire orphans, then before you read even one more sentence, you should know this: Violet, Kl...

Online ár:

2 990 Ft

Lemony Snicket: A rejtélyes levél antikvár

A rejtélyes levél

Könyvtársaság Antikvárium

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Egmont, 2002

Violet, Klaus és Sunny a mindenben veszélyt sejtő Josephin nénihez kerülnek, akinek a háza meglepetéseket tartogat. A néninek, aki a nyel...

Online ár:

940 Ft

Lemony Snicket: A zord iskola - A balszerencse áradása V. antikvár

A zord iskola - A balszerencse áradása V.


Tovább folytatódik a már jól ismert Baudelaire árvák szerencsétlen története: gyámjuk, Poe bácsi beíratja őket a Kőszikla Bentlakásos Köz...


6 890 Ft - 8 990 Ft

Lemony Snicket: A balszerencse áradása I.: A baljós kezdet antikvár

A balszerencse áradása I.: A baljós kezdet

A Hely Antikvárium

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Egmont Kiadó, 2001

Online ár:

1 500 Ft

Lemony Snicket: A balszerencse áradása III. - A rejtélyes levél antikvár

A balszerencse áradása III. - A rejtélyes levél

Violet, Klaus és Sunny a mindenben veszélyt sejtő Josephin nénihez kerülnek, akinek a háza meglepetéseket tartogat. A néninek, aki a nyel...


990 Ft - 1 500 Ft

Lemony Snicket: A halálos műtét - A balszerencse áradása VIII. antikvár

A halálos műtét - A balszerencse áradása VIII.

Alexandra Kiadó, 2007

A három szerencsétlen sorsú Baudelaire testvér, Violet, Klaus és Sunny a végeláthatatlan síkságon kóborolva rátalál az Utolsó Esély vegye...


4 999 Ft - 6 790 Ft

Lemony Snicket: A baljós kezdet - A balszerencse áradása I. antikvár

A baljós kezdet - A balszerencse áradása I.

A kedves, szép, okos Baudelaire testvérek - Violet, a feltaláló, Klaus, a könyvmoly és a kis Sunny - kalandjairól olvashatunk ebben a kön...


990 Ft - 3 990 Ft

Lemony Snicket: A balszerencse áradása 2. - A hüllők terme antikvár

A balszerencse áradása 2. - A hüllők terme

Fiume Antikvárium

hibátlan, olvasatlan példány

Könyvmolyképző Kiadó Kft., 2021

A gyerekek tényleg nem féltek Olaf gróftól? Ha azért vetted kézbe ezt a könyvet, hogy egy egyszerű és vidám történetet olvass, akkor ...

Online ár:

940 Ft

Lemony Snicket: A balszerencse áradása IV.: A titkok malma antikvár


1 990 Ft - 3 990 Ft

Lemony Snicket: A balszerencse áradása sorozat 1-3. (A baljós kezdet, A hüllők terme, A rejtélyes levél) antikvár

A balszerencse áradása sorozat 1-3. (A baljós kezdet, A hüllők terme, A rejtélyes levél)

KönyvErdő online antikvárium

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Könyvmolyképző Kiadó Kft.

1. Lemony Snicket: A baljós kezdet 2. Lemony Snicket: A hüllők terme 3. Lemony Snicket: A rejtélyes levél

Online ár:

4 500 Ft

Lemony Snicket: The Carnivorous Carnival  - A Series of Unfortunate Events 9. antikvár

The Carnivorous Carnival - A Series of Unfortunate Events 9.

Magna Mater Antikvárium

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Harper Collins, 2003

Everybody loves a carnival! Who can fail to delight in the colourful people, the unworldly spectacle, the fabulous freaks? A carnival ...

Online ár:

4 000 Ft

Snicket, Lemony: A Series of Unfortunate Events 09. The Carnivorous Carnival idegen
Snicket, Lemony

A Series of Unfortunate Events 09. The Carnivorous Carnival

Harper Collins Publ. UK, 2012

There is nothing to be found in the pages of A Series of Unfortunate Events but misery and despair. You still have time to choose another...

Online ár:

4 460 Ft

Eredeti ár: 4 694 Ft

Snicket, Lemony: A Series of Unfortunate Events 10. The Slippery Slope idegen
Snicket, Lemony

A Series of Unfortunate Events 10. The Slippery Slope

Harper Collins Publ. UK, 2012

Dear reader, There is nothing to be found in Lemony Snicket's 'A Series of Unfortunate Events' but misery and despair. You still have tim...

Online ár:

4 467 Ft

Eredeti ár: 4 702 Ft

Snicket, Lemony: A Series of Unfortunate Events 11. The Grim Grotto idegen
Snicket, Lemony

A Series of Unfortunate Events 11. The Grim Grotto

Harper Collins Publ. UK, 2012

Dear reader, There is nothing to be found in Lemony Snicket's 'A Series of Unfortunate Events' but misery and despair. You still have tim...

Online ár:

4 467 Ft

Eredeti ár: 4 702 Ft

Snicket, Lemony: A Series of Unfortunate Events 01. The Bad Beginning idegen
Snicket, Lemony

A Series of Unfortunate Events 01. The Bad Beginning

Harper Collins Publ. USA, 2007

NOW A NETFLIX ORIGINAL SERIES In the tradition of great storytellers, from Dickens to Dahl, comes an exquisitely dark comedy that is both...

Online ár:

3 382 Ft

Eredeti ár: 3 560 Ft

Snicket, Lemony: A Series of Unfortunate Events 01. The Bad Beginning idegen
Snicket, Lemony

A Series of Unfortunate Events 01. The Bad Beginning

Harper Collins Publ. UK, 2012

Dear reader, There is nothing to be found in Lemony Snicket's 'A Series of Unfortunate Events' but misery and despair. You still have tim...

Online ár:

4 445 Ft

Eredeti ár: 4 678 Ft

Snicket, Lemony: A Series of Unfortunate Events 13. The End idegen
Snicket, Lemony

A Series of Unfortunate Events 13. The End

Harper Collins Publ. UK, 2018

The original Lemony Snicket series is relaunched in small-size paperbacks to match the much-loved style of the original hardbacks. Their ...

Online ár:

4 467 Ft

Eredeti ár: 4 702 Ft

Snicket, Lemony: A Series of Unfortunate Events 12. The Penultimate Peril idegen
Snicket, Lemony

A Series of Unfortunate Events 12. The Penultimate Peril

Harper Collins Publ. UK, 2012

Dear reader, There is nothing to be found in Lemony Snicket's 'A Series of Unfortunate Events' but misery and despair. You still have tim...

Online ár:

4 471 Ft

Eredeti ár: 4 706 Ft

Snicket, Lemony: A Series of Unfortunate Events 03. The Wide Window. Netflix Tie-In idegen
Snicket, Lemony

A Series of Unfortunate Events 03. The Wide Window. Netflix Tie-In - Netflix tie-in edition

Harper Collins Publ. UK, 2012

Dear reader, There is nothing to be found in Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events but misery and despair. You still have time ...

Online ár:

4 452 Ft

Eredeti ár: 4 686 Ft

Snicket, Lemony: A Series of Unfortunate Event 08. The Hostile Hospital idegen
Snicket, Lemony

A Series of Unfortunate Event 08. The Hostile Hospital

Harper Collins Publ. UK, 2012

Dear reader, There is nothing to be found in Lemony Snicket's 'A Series of Unfortunate Events' but misery and despair. You still have tim...

Online ár:

4 456 Ft

Eredeti ár: 4 690 Ft

Snicket, Lemony: A Series of Unfortunate Events 07. The Vile Village idegen
Snicket, Lemony

A Series of Unfortunate Events 07. The Vile Village

Harper Collins Publ. UK, 2012

Dear reader, There is nothing to be found in Lemony Snicket's 'A Series of Unfortunate Events' but misery and despair. You still have tim...

Online ár:

4 456 Ft

Eredeti ár: 4 690 Ft

Snicket, Lemony: A Series of Unfortunate Events 05. The Austere Academy idegen
Snicket, Lemony

A Series of Unfortunate Events 05. The Austere Academy

Harper Collins Publ. UK, 2012

Dear reader, There is nothing to be found in Lemony Snicket's 'A Series of Unfortunate Events' but misery and despair. You still have tim...

Online ár:

4 452 Ft

Eredeti ár: 4 686 Ft

Snicket, Lemony: A Series of Unfortunate Events 02. The Reptile Room idegen
Snicket, Lemony

A Series of Unfortunate Events 02. The Reptile Room

Harper Collins Publ. UK, 2012

Dear reader, There is nothing to be found in Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events but misery and despair. You still have time ...

Online ár:

4 445 Ft

Eredeti ár: 4 678 Ft

Snicket, Lemony: All the Wrong Questions 3. 'Shouldn't You Be in School?' idegen
Snicket, Lemony

All the Wrong Questions 3. 'Shouldn't You Be in School?'

Hachette Book Group USA, 2015

Is Lemony Snicket a detective or a smoke detector? Do you smell smoke? Young apprentice Lemony Snicket is investigating a case of arson b...

Online ár:

4 911 Ft

Eredeti ár: 5 169 Ft

Snicket, Lemony: The Dark idegen
Snicket, Lemony

The Dark

Hachette Children's Book, 2014

2 bestselling and acclaimed talents of literature come together for the first time to produce this universal and empowering story about c...

Online ár:

4 873 Ft

Eredeti ár: 5 129 Ft

Snicket, Lemony: A Series of Unfortunate Events 06. The Ersatz Elevator idegen
Snicket, Lemony

A Series of Unfortunate Events 06. The Ersatz Elevator

Harper Collins Publ. UK, 2012

Dear reader, There is nothing to be found in Lemony Snicket's 'A Series of Unfortunate Events' but misery and despair. You still have tim...

Online ár:

4 452 Ft

Eredeti ár: 4 686 Ft

Snicket, Lemony: A Series of Unfortunate Events 04. The Miserable Mill idegen
Snicket, Lemony

A Series of Unfortunate Events 04. The Miserable Mill

Harper Collins Publ. UK, 2012

Dear reader, There is nothing to be found in Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events but misery and despair. You still have time ...

Online ár:

4 448 Ft

Eredeti ár: 4 682 Ft

Snicket, Lemony: Poison for Breakfast idegen
Snicket, Lemony

Poison for Breakfast

Norton & Company, 2021

In the years since this publishing house was founded, we have worked with an array of wondrous authors who have brought illuminating clar...

Online ár:

5 507 Ft

Eredeti ár: 5 796 Ft

Snicket, Lemony: Gift zum Frühstück idegen
Snicket, Lemony

Gift zum Frühstück - Roman | Vom Autor der Bestsellerreihe 'A Series of Unfortunate Events' | 'Humorvoll, melancholisch, meditativ und entzückend.' The Guardian

Nagel & Kimche, 2023

Ein einzigartig humorvolles und herrlich verwirrendes Leseerlebnis! Seit mehr als zwanzig Jahren führt Lemony Snicket seine Leserinnen un...

Online ár:

8 445 Ft

Eredeti ár: 8 889 Ft

Snicket, Lemony: Dunkel idegen
Snicket, Lemony


NordSüd Verlag AG, 2014

Leo, ein kleiner Junge, spielt gerne zu Hause. Dort wohnt aber auch das Dunkel, vor dem sich Leo fürchtet. Bis jetzt hat das Dunkel Leo i...

Online ár:

7 634 Ft

Eredeti ár: 8 035 Ft

Snicket, Lemony: Read Something Else: Collected & Dubious Wit & Wisdom of Lemony Snicket idegen
Snicket, Lemony

Read Something Else: Collected & Dubious Wit & Wisdom of Lemony Snicket

Harper Collins Publ. USA, 2019

Looking for wit, wisdom, and inspiration all within the pages of one useful book? Read Something Else. Life is a turbulent journey, fraug...

Online ár:

6 367 Ft

Eredeti ár: 6 702 Ft

Snicket, Lemony: Poison for Breakfast idegen
Snicket, Lemony

Poison for Breakfast

Oneworld Publications, 2022

A brand-new book from the bestselling author of A Series of Unfortunate Events ¿ a cautionary tale about his own demise. For curious chil...

Online ár:

4 441 Ft

Eredeti ár: 4 674 Ft

Lemony Snicket: The Grim Grotto - A Series of Unfortunate Events 11. idegen

The Grim Grotto - A Series of Unfortunate Events 11.

Warning: Your day will become very dark - and possibly damp - if you read this book. Plan to spend this spring in hiding. Lemony Snick...



Lemony Snicket: Horseradish idegen


Lemony Snicket's work is filled with bitter truths, like: 'It is always cruel to laugh at people, of course, although sometimes if they a...



Lemony Snicket: A Series of Unfortunate Events idegen

A Series of Unfortunate Events

The Reptile Room is a children's novel and the second of A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket. Having just escaped from the g...



Lemony Snicket: The Penultimate Peril - A Series of Unfortunate Events 12. idegen

The Penultimate Peril - A Series of Unfortunate Events 12.

Certain people have said that the world is like a calm pond...



Lemony Snicket: The Ersatz Elevator - A Series of Unfortunate Events 6. idegen

The Ersatz Elevator - A Series of Unfortunate Events 6.

In their most daring misadventure, the Baudelaire orphans are adopted by very, very rich people, whose penthouse apartment is located mys...



Lemony Snicket: Find Her idegen

Find Her

Lisa Gardner's runaway New York Times bestseller--a fast-paced thrill ride featuring Detective D. D. Warren. Seven years ago, carefre...



Lemony Snicket: The Reptile Room - A Series of Unfortunate Events 2. idegen

The Reptile Room - A Series of Unfortunate Events 2.

The story may seem cheery at first, when the Baudelaire children spend time in the company of some interesting reptiles and a giddy uncle...



Lemony Snicket: The Slippery Slope - A Series of Unfortunate Events 10. idegen

The Slippery Slope - A Series of Unfortunate Events 10.

Like bad smells, uninvited weekend guests or very old eggs, there are some things that ought to be avoided. Snicket's saga about the c...



Lemony Snicket: The Reptile Room (A Series of Unfortunate Events,Book the Second) idegen

The Reptile Room (A Series of Unfortunate Events,Book the Second)

Dear Reader, If you have picked up this book with the hope of finding a simple and cheery tale. I'm afraid you have picked up the wron...



Lemony Snicket: A Series of Unfortunate Events - The Austere Academy 5. idegen

A Series of Unfortunate Events - The Austere Academy 5.

There is nothing to be found in the pages of these books but misery and despair. You still have time to choose something else to read. Bu...



Lemony Snicket: A series of unfortunate events idegen

A series of unfortunate events

In this short book alone, the three youngsters encounter....



Lemony Snicket: The Penultimate Peril (A Series of Unfortunate Events) idegen

The Penultimate Peril (A Series of Unfortunate Events)

Dear reader, There is nothing to be found in Lemony Snicket’s ‘A Series of Unfortunate Events’ but misery and despair. You still hav...




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