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A magyar fővárosért 1944–1945-ben vívott harc a Don-kanyarhoz hasonlóan a 20. századi magyar történelem egyik legfontosabb eseménye, egyú...
Online ár:
13 491 Ft
Eredeti ár: 14 990 Ft
"1944. október 29-én a szovjet csapatok támadásával kezdetét vette a 108 napos budapesti hadművelet, amelyben a harcoló felek a második v...
The struggle for the Hungarian capital in 1944-45, like the battle fought in the bend of the River Don, left an indelible scar on the col...
33 241 Ft
Eredeti ár: 34 990 Ft
The Soviet Vienna Operation began on 16 March 1945 when the assault armies of 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian Fronts succeeded in penetrating the A...
The Red Army reached northeastern Rumania in the last days of March 1944. Stalin had high hopes that the 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian Fronts wou...
In January 1944 the Red Army at last succeeded in putting to an end one of the most dramatic sieges in the history of warfare, that of Le...
October 1944: Soviet troops launched a powerful attack on Budapest from the south, the culmination of a series of military, political, di...
8 990 Ft
7 390 Ft - 9 990 Ft
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