Angela Thirkell művei

Angela Thirkell: Christmas at High Rising idegen

Christmas at High Rising

Virago, 2013

Originally published in the 1930s and 1940s and never before collected, these stories by the incomparable Angela Thirkell relate merry sc...

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2 690 Ft

Angela Thirkell: Pomfret Towers idegen

Pomfret Towers

Virago, 2013

Pomfret Towers, Barsetshire seat of the earls of Pomfret, was constructed, with great pomp and want of concern for creature comforts, in ...

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3 450 Ft

Angela Thirkell: Wild Strawberries idegen

Wild Strawberries

Action in Thirkells second Barsetshire novel centres around the extended family of the Leslies of Rushwater House. Lady Emily reigns behi...



Angela Thirkell: Summer Half idegen

Summer Half

The denouement of Philip Winters ill-begotten engagement to featherbrained Rose Birkett is enacted in full view of Southbridge School's e...



Angela Thirkell: The Grateful Sparrow and other Tales antikvár

The Grateful Sparrow and other Tales

Buda-Nosztalgia Antikvárium

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Hamish Hamilton

taken from the German by Angela Thirkell with twenty-four full-page illustrations in colour by Ludwig Richter

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5 000 Ft

Angela Thirkell: Christmas at High Rising antikvár

Christmas at High Rising

Virago, 2013

Originally published in the 1930s and 1940s and never before collected, these stories by the incomparable Angela Thirkell relate merry sc...


1 710 Ft - 1 890 Ft

Angela Thirkell: Pomfret Towers antikvár

Pomfret Towers


jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Virago, 2013

Pomfret Towers, Barsetshire seat of the earls of Pomfret, was constructed, with great pomp and want of concern for creature comforts, in ...

Online ár:

2 800 Ft

Thirkell, Angela: County Chronicle idegen
Thirkell, Angela

County Chronicle

Little, Brown Book Group, 2025

'Thirkell's particular gift is for getting to the heart of a character in one clever, wicked sentence . . . delightful studies in an Engl...



Thirkell, Angela: Jutland Cottage idegen
Thirkell, Angela

Jutland Cottage

Little, Brown Book Group, 2025

'The novels are a delight, with touches of E. F. Benson, E. M. Delafield and P. G. Wodehouse' INDEPENDENT ON SUNDAY Change is in the air ...




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