Set in the aspirational world of the Ivy-League, this follow-up to the critically acclaimed Liar’s Beach sees the return of iconic detective Holiday Poirot and her childhood friend Linden, as they work to uncover a mysterious murder on campus. Since the events of Liar's Beach, Linden’s ankle injury has healed, and he is now a first year at Harvard on scholarship, playing on the lacrosse team. He and Greer—his ex-girlfriend from boarding school who is a sophomore—are back together. But things take a dark turn when Greer’s friend and roommate Bri is found dead of an overdose. The circumstances of her death are peculiar, though. She was wearing Greer’s clothes and sleeping in Greer’s bed. And when Linden finds a threatening note addressed to Greer, it makes him wonder: could this have been a case of mistaken identity, and someone was trying to kill Greer instead? But who would want to kill her…and why?
Sara Crewe is a very rich little girl. She first comes to England when she is seven, and her father takes her to Miss Minchin's school in London. Then he goes back to his work in India. Sara is ver...
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