Michael Morpurgo művei


Flamingó fiú

Maxim Könyvkiadó, 2018

A történet a dél-franciaországi Camargue egyedülállóan különleges vidékén játszódik a második világháború idején. A sós síkságok és flami...

Akciós ár:

1 500 Ft

Korábbi ár: 2 025 Ft

Eredeti ár: 2 999 Ft

Michael Morpurgo: A lepkeoroszlán könyv

A lepkeoroszlán

Könyvmolyképző Kiadó Kft., 2008

"'Míg csak élek, rád gondolok, ígérem. Soha nem felejtelek el!' Bertie megment egy elárvult, fehér oroszlánkölyköt az afrikai prérin. A k...



Michael Morpurgo: Hadak útján könyv

Hadak útján

Cartaphilus Kiadó, 2012

A háború elválasztotta, a csatatér megedzette, a barátság összekötötte őket. Joeyt csikó kora óta nagy szeretettel neveli gazdájának f...



Michael Morpurgo: Peaceful közlegény könyv

Peaceful közlegény - Ártatlanság és szerelem, bátorság és gyávaság

Móra Könyvkiadó, 2005

Ártatlanság és szerelem, bátorság és gyávaság Az egyik legkedveltebb angol ifjúsági írónak új kötete valós történelmi alapokon nyugszik. ...



Morpurgo, Michael: Grandpa Christmas idegen
Morpurgo, Michael

Grandpa Christmas

Harper Collins Publ. UK, 2020

Every Christmas Mia and her family read a letter which her Grandpa wrote to her. His letter is a warm, impassioned and heartfelt wish for...

Online ár:

4 052 Ft

Eredeti ár: 4 265 Ft

Morpurgo, Michael: Dear Olly idegen
Morpurgo, Michael

Dear Olly

HarperCollins Publishers, 2001

A moving story of a brother, a sister and a swallow, and how all are in some way the victims of the horrors of landmines. Readership leve...

Online ár:

4 670 Ft

Eredeti ár: 4 915 Ft

Michael Morpurgo: A Medal for Leroy idegen

A Medal for Leroy

Inspired by the true story of Walter Tull, the first black officer in the British army, this is a stunning new novel of identity and loss...



Michael Morpurgo: Lepkeoroszlán könyv


„Míg csak élek, rád gondolok, ígérem. Soha nem felejtelek el!” Bertie megment egy elárvult, fehér oroszlánkölyköt az afrikai prérin. A ki...



Michael Morpurgo: The Birthday Book  idegen

The Birthday Book

In this special birthday book, we have collected new and previously published pieces by today's most acclaimed children's writers, and ex...



Michael Morpurgo: Mr Skip idegen

Mr Skip

Believing in magic makes dreams come true...Jackie dreams of having a horse of her own, one that'll be the fastest on the estate, the fas...



Michael Morpurgo: The Withe Horse of Zennor idegen

The Withe Horse of Zennor

A thrilling collection of myths, legends and ghost stories from Britain’s best-loved children’s author and the man behind War Horse, Mich...



Michael Morpurgo: Escape for Shangri-La idegen

Escape for Shangri-La

A gripping and heartfelt war story from Britain’s best-loved children’s author, Michael Morpurgo. Turned away by his own son, Cessie’s...



Michael Morpurgo: Wartman idegen


A heart-warming and sensitive story about bullying from the former Children's Laureate and bestselling author is given a brand new packag...



Michael Morpurgo: Homecoming idegen


In this involving tale, master storyteller and former children's laureate Michael Morpurgo revisits the "landscape of his memories", tell...



Michael Morpurgo: Sparrow: The Story of Joan of Arc idegen

Sparrow: The Story of Joan of Arc

Eloise has always loved Joan of Arc. Noble, honest and brave, she was everything Eloise wishes to be. And on a bright sunny day in Orlean...



Michael Morpurgo: Running Wild idegen

Running Wild

An epic and heart-rending jungle adventure from the bestselling author of Kaspar and Born to Run. For Will and his mother, going to Indon...



Michael Morpurgo: Waiting for Anya idegen

Waiting for Anya

Jo did not stop until he’d shut the door behind him and even then his heart could not stop pounding in his ears. Jo finds out that Jew...



Michael Morpurgo: The Kites Are Flying! idegen

The Kites Are Flying!

Travelling to the West Bank to witness first hand what life is like for Palestinians and Jews living in the shadow of a dividing wall, jo...



Michael Morpurgo: Cool! idegen


Michael Morpurgo's inspiring new story of Robbie, a boy in a coma -- victim of a car accident. Locked inside his own head, able to hear b...



Michael Morpurgo: Kensukes Kingdom idegen

Kensukes Kingdom

Michael's parents buy a yacht, and take him off to sail round the world. Washed overboard in a fierce storm, Michael finds himself on the...



Michael Morpurgo: Singing for Mrs Pettigren idegen

Singing for Mrs Pettigren

A wonderful and unique collection of stories and the story of their making,and engaging insigth into the craft of one of today's most lov...



Michael Morpurgo: The Marble Crusher idegen

The Marble Crusher

Sid Creedy is the troublemaker of the school and when a new boy, Albert, joins his class, he thinks he'll have some fun. Sid tells outrag...



Michael Morpurgo: Animal Tales: Three Stories in One idegen

Animal Tales: Three Stories in One

Three fantastic animal stories in one volume! "Jo-Jo the Melon Donkey" - Jo-Jo is a donkey, and he does not like it, not one bit. Every d...



Michael Morpurgo: Mudpuddle Farm - Alien Invasion! idegen

Mudpuddle Farm - Alien Invasion!

A charming series of adventures for younger readers, featuring a family of all sorts of animals that live in the farmyard behind the tumb...



Michael Morpurgo: The Nine Lives of Montezuma idegen

The Nine Lives of Montezuma

Montezuma, the farmyard cat, survives nine exciting lives of fanger and adventure. As he grows from fiery kitten to grand old tomcat, he ...



Michael Morpurgo: The Butterfly Lion idegen

The Butterfly Lion

Michael Morpurgo is the author of many acclaimed children's books and was appointed to the post of Children's Laureate earlier this year....



Michael Morpurgo: Mudpuddle Farm - Cock-a-Doodle-Doo! idegen

Mudpuddle Farm - Cock-a-Doodle-Doo!

Mossop's Last Chance - Mossop the old farm cat likes to sleep - not much else! So when Farmer Refferty tells him to catch twenty-six mice...



Michael Morpurgo: Mudpuddle Farm - Pigs Might Fly! idegen

Mudpuddle Farm - Pigs Might Fly!

And Pigs Might Fly! - It's a long hot summer, and Pintsize the piglet wonders if it might be cooler in the sky.But when he tries to fly, ...



Jacqueline Wilson, Michael Morpurgo, Anne Fine: Three for Tea: Tasty Tales for You and Me idegen

Three for Tea: Tasty Tales for You and Me

"Countdown" - Hugo wants a gerbil, but his dad says it's cruel to keep something in a cage. To prove him wrong, Hugo sets out to stay in ...



Michael Morpurgo: Little Foxes idegen

Little Foxes

From master storyteller Michael Morpurgo comes "Little Foxes". Bullied at school, nagged in Aunty May's tenth-floor council flat, there's...



Michael Morpurgo: Cool! idegen


Michael Morpurgo’s inspiring new story of Robbie, a boy in a coma – victim of a car accident. Locked inside his own head, able to hear bu...



Michael Morpurgo: Arthur, High King of Britain idegen

Arthur, High King of Britain

An enchanting take on the legend of King Arthur from War Horse author and former Children's Laureate, Michael Morpurgo. Marooned on a ...



Michael Morpurgo: Little Manfred idegen

Little Manfred

A heart-lifting, heartbreaking story by Michael Morpurgo, the second-biggest children’s author in the UK. In the Imperial War Museum i...



Michael Morpurgo: Little Foxes idegen

Little Foxes

From master storyteller Michael Morpurgo comes "Little Foxes". Bullied at school, nagged in Aunty May's tenth-floor council flat, there's...



Michael Morpurgo: Not Bad for a Bad Lad idegen

Not Bad for a Bad Lad

There's no two ways about it: when I was young I was a bad lad.' Everyone thinks this lad is bad, even him. So it’s no surprise when he’s...



Michael Morpurgo: Tom's Sausage Lion idegen

Tom's Sausage Lion

But it's true,' Tom shouted. 'It was a real lion, I know it was.' No-one believes Tom when he says he has seen a lion - padding around t...



Michael Morpurgo: Born to Run idegen

Born to Run

Joy and heartbreak combine in this bittersweet tale of a champion greyhound's journey through life -- and from owner to owner! "The sack ...



Michael Morpurgo: Toro! Toro! idegen

Toro! Toro!

TORO, TORO is the story of a young boy growing up in Andalucia, Spain, on a farm rearing bulls for the bull ring. Antonito hand rears a l...



Michael Morpurgo: Long Way Home idegen

Long Way Home

Twelve year-old George has been moving from one foster home to another for as long as he can remember. This summer he is being sent to Dy...



Michael Morpurgo: The Wreck of the Zanzibar idegen

The Wreck of the Zanzibar

Life on the Sicily Isles in 1907 is bleak and full of hardship. Laura's twin brother, Billy, disappears, and then a storm devastates ever...



Michael Morpurgo: Le Roi Arthur idegen

Le Roi Arthur

C'est une longue histoire, une histoire de grand amour, de grande tragédie, de magie et de mystcre, de triomphe et de désastre. C'est mo...



Michael Morpurgo: Shadow antikvár


Pestszentlőrinci antikvárium

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Harper Collins, 2010

A stunning and moving new novel from Michael Morpurgo, the nation's favourite storyteller - featuring the bravest dog in all the world! H...

Online ár:

3 990 Ft

Michael Morpurgo: Farm Boy antikvár

Farm Boy

Bástya Antikvárium

rossz állapotú antikvár könyv

Harper Collins, 1997

The magical sequel to ‘War Horse’, soon to be a major motion picture. Joey was the last working horse on the farm, and the apple of Gr...

Online ár:

990 Ft

Michael Morpurgo: The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips antikvár

The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips

Alba Antik Litera Kft.

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Harper Collins, 2005

A lot of Michael Morpurgo’s novels for young readers have shared a common theme recently, and to a canon of work about the two World Wars...

Online ár:

1 850 Ft

Michael Morpurgo: 2 db füzet:Mudpuddle Farm-Albertine, Goose Queen+Mossop's Last Chance antikvár

2 db füzet:Mudpuddle Farm-Albertine, Goose Queen+Mossop's Last Chance

Bástya Antikvárium

jó állapotú antikvár könyv


Online ár:

990 Ft

Michael Morpurgo: Kensuke's Kingdom antikvár

Kensuke's Kingdom

Szentendre Antikvárium

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Egmont Children's Books, 2010

A desert island story. This starts off as a great family adventure. Michael's father loses his job at the brickworks and his parents deci...

Online ár:

3 490 Ft

Michael Morpurgo: Twist of Gold antikvár

Twist of Gold

Szentendre Antikvárium

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Egmont Children's Books

Sean and Annie have one chance to escape the potato famine and plague in Ireland. They survive a shipwreck and land safely in America sea...

Online ár:

4 990 Ft

Michael Morpurgo: Private Peaceful antikvár

Private Peaceful


Thomas Peaceful's life has not been easy. His father died in a logging accident while saving his life. Thomas's close-knit family endures...


1 500 Ft - 1 650 Ft

Michael Morpurgo: The Last Wolf antikvár

The Last Wolf

Pestszentlőrinci antikvárium

jó állapotú antikvár könyv


Online ár:

1 990 Ft

Michael Morpurgo: Kensuke királysága antikvár

Kensuke királysága

Vegyenkönyvet Antikvárium

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Egmont Kiadó, 2001

A kiskamasz Michael hajótörést szenved; egy csendes-óceáni szigeten küzd a túlélésért. Élelem és víz után kutat – hiába. Remény veszetten...

Online ár:

1 490 Ft

Michael Morpurgo: Dear Olly antikvár

Dear Olly

Diófa Antikvárium Kft.

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Harper Collins, 2000

Olly's brother Matt has always wanted to be a clown, and when he sees the plight of Africa's children he makes the decision to fly the fa...

Online ár:

2 990 Ft

Michael Morpurgo: My Friend Walter antikvár

My Friend Walter

Könyvtársaság Antikvárium

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Egmont Children's Books, 2011

My Friend Walter is a charming and hilarious story of friendship between different eras from War Horse author and former Children's Laure...

Online ár:

4 890 Ft

Morpurgo, Michael: Flying Scotsman and the Best Birthday Ever idegen
Morpurgo, Michael

Flying Scotsman and the Best Birthday Ever

Thames & Hudson Ltd, 2022

This inspiring tale from Michael Morpurgo and Michael Foreman celebrates the world's most iconic train, Flying Scotsman, and its greatest...

Online ár:

7 258 Ft

Eredeti ár: 7 639 Ft

Morpurgo, Michael: Katerina the Cat and Other Tales from the Farm idegen
Morpurgo, Michael

Katerina the Cat and Other Tales from the Farm - A Farms for City Children Book

Harper Collins Publ. UK, 2024

A charming story collection from Michael Morpurgo and illustrated by Guy Parker-Rees ¿ full of friendship and adventure, and perfect to r...

Online ár:

4 041 Ft

Eredeti ár: 4 253 Ft

Morpurgo, Michael: My Father Is a Polar Bear idegen
Morpurgo, Michael

My Father Is a Polar Bear

Walker Books Ltd., 2023

"Look at the polar bears," said Terry. "You see that one on the left, the fatter one? That's our dad - our real dad. But you're not to te...

Online ár:

4 022 Ft

Eredeti ár: 4 233 Ft


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