Harris, Patricia művei

Harris, Patricia; Lyon, David; Schultz, Jonathan: Boston Top 10 antikvár

Boston Top 10

Bunker Antikvárium

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Dorling Kindersley, 2003

Online ár:

5 990 Ft

Davis, Sarah - Falino, Jeannine - Steiner, Wendy - Harris, Patricia - Lyon, David - Susan, Grant Lewin: The Art & Times of Daniel Jocz idegen
Davis, Sarah - Falino, Jeannine - Steiner, Wendy - Harris, Patricia - Lyon, David - Susan, Grant Lewin

The Art & Times of Daniel Jocz

ARNOLDSCHE Verlagsanstalt GmbH, 2023

The Art & Times of Daniel Jocz präsentiert das faszinierende, herausfordernde, manchmal schöne und immer raffinierte Werk des amerikanisc...

Online ár:

16 474 Ft

Eredeti ár: 17 341 Ft

Geor, Raymond J. - Harris, Patricia A. - Coenen, Manfred: Equine Applied and Clinical Nutrition idegen
Geor, Raymond J. - Harris, Patricia A. - Coenen, Manfred

Equine Applied and Clinical Nutrition - Health, Welfare and Performance

Elsevier LTD, 2013

Equine Applied and Clinical Nutrition is a comprehensive text resource on the nutrition and feeding management of horses. Over 20 experts...

Online ár:

59 040 Ft

Eredeti ár: 62 147 Ft

Lock, Andrew - Rees, Patricia - Harris, Phil: Machiavelli, Marketing and Management idegen
Lock, Andrew - Rees, Patricia - Harris, Phil

Machiavelli, Marketing and Management - Revisited

Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2025

This second fascinating and cutting-edge text provides insight into the meaning and interpretation of Machiavelli and his works for manag...



Lock, Andrew - Rees, Patricia - Harris, Phil: Machiavelli, Marketing and Management idegen
Lock, Andrew - Rees, Patricia - Harris, Phil

Machiavelli, Marketing and Management - Revisited

Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2025

This second fascinating and cutting-edge text provides insight into the meaning and interpretation of Machiavelli and his works for manag...



Leavy, Patricia - Harris, Daniel X: Contemporary Feminist Research from Theory to Practice idegen
Leavy, Patricia - Harris, Daniel X

Contemporary Feminist Research from Theory to Practice

Guilford Publications, 2018

Exploring the breadth of contemporary feminist research practices, this engaging text immerses the reader in cutting-edge theories, metho...

Online ár:

32 952 Ft

Eredeti ár: 34 686 Ft


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