Pearce művei

Pearce, Bryony: Cruel Castle idegen
Pearce, Bryony

Cruel Castle

Little Tiger Press Group, 2021

A team-bonding weekend in a remote castle turns into a nightmare when seven teenagers are locked inside. To escape, they must solve a ser...

Online ár:

4 850 Ft

Eredeti ár: 5 105 Ft

Pearce, Bryony: Savage Island idegen
Pearce, Bryony

Savage Island

Little Tiger Press Group, 2018

Filled with violence, suspense and peril, the latest title in the "Red Eye" series will appeal to fans of "The Hunger Games". Ages: 13yrs+

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4 859 Ft

Eredeti ár: 5 114 Ft

Pearce, Philippa: Tom's Midnight Garden idegen
Pearce, Philippa

Tom's Midnight Garden

Oxford Children's Books, 2023

When Tom is sent to his aunt and uncle's house for the summer, he resigns himself to boredom. At night, he hears the old grandfather cloc...

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4 854 Ft

Eredeti ár: 5 109 Ft

Pearce, Fred: A Trillion Trees idegen
Pearce, Fred

A Trillion Trees - How We Can Reforest Our World

Granta Publications, 2022

Online ár:

5 501 Ft

Eredeti ár: 5 790 Ft

Pearce - Léturgie, Jean: Lucky Luke 82 - Am Fluss der rosa Biber idegen
Pearce - Léturgie, Jean

Lucky Luke 82 - Am Fluss der rosa Biber - Am Fluss der rosa Biber

Egmont Comic Collection, 2014

Man mag es kaum glauben, aber auch Lucky Luke war einmal ein kleiner Lausbub, ein Lucky Kid eben. Das neue Lucky Luke-Album mit der Bandn...

Online ár:

6 182 Ft

Eredeti ár: 6 507 Ft

Pearce, Stewart: The Angels of Atlantis idegen
Pearce, Stewart

The Angels of Atlantis - Twelve Mighty Forces to Transform Your Life Forever

Inner Traditions/Bear & Company, 2011

Based on the teachings of the 12 archangels of Atlantis, this spiritual resource reveals how to become aligned with their power and wisdo...

Online ár:

7 916 Ft

Eredeti ár: 8 332 Ft

Pearce, A. J.: Mrs Porter Calling idegen
Pearce, A. J.

Mrs Porter Calling

Pan Macmillan, 2023

London, January 1943. Emmy and Charles celebrate their first anniversary apart as Charles is stationed overseas. They exchange lots and l...

Online ár:

8 815 Ft

Eredeti ár: 9 278 Ft

Pearce, Fred: The Coming Population Crash idegen
Pearce, Fred

The Coming Population Crash - And Our Planet's Surprising Future

Beacon Press, 2011

A leading environmental writer looks at the unexpected effects--and possible benefits--of a shrinking, graying population Over the last c...

Online ár:

9 255 Ft

Eredeti ár: 9 742 Ft

Májà-Pearce, Adéwálé: This Fiction Called Nigeria idegen
Májà-Pearce, Adéwálé

This Fiction Called Nigeria - The Struggle for Democracy

Verso Books, 2024

An uncompromising look at Nigeria’s crisis of democracy by a renowned essayist and critic.

Online ár:

9 859 Ft

Eredeti ár: 10 377 Ft

Pearce, Alastair: The Characters of Creativity idegen
Pearce, Alastair

The Characters of Creativity - Activate creativity by understanding your colleagues

BIS Publishers, 2023

Nur wenige Organisationen können heute ohne kontinuierliche Innovation gedeihen. Dieses Buch zeigt auf, wie man mit mehr Kreativität am A...

Online ár:

11 001 Ft

Eredeti ár: 11 579 Ft

Pearce, Fred: Fallout idegen
Pearce, Fred

Fallout - Das Atomzeitalter - Katastrophen, Lügen und was bleibt

Kunstmann, Antje, GmbH, Verlag, 2020

Gekündigte Atomabkommen, drohendes Wettrüsten, marode Kernkraftwerke¿... der Geist der Radioaktivität schwebt weiter über uns. Aber was g...

Online ár:

11 013 Ft

Eredeti ár: 11 592 Ft

Pearce, Chris - Ball, Helen - Kent, Michael - Andrews, Tom: Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics Pure Mathematics 2 and 3 Student's Book idegen
Pearce, Chris - Ball, Helen - Kent, Michael - Andrews, Tom

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics Pure Mathematics 2 and 3 Student's Book

HarperCollins Publishers, 2018

This book provides in-depth coverage of Pure Mathematics 2 & 3 for Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics 9709, for examinati...

Online ár:

12 132 Ft

Eredeti ár: 12 770 Ft

Pearce, Jeff: The Gifts of Africa idegen
Pearce, Jeff

The Gifts of Africa - How a Continent and Its People Changed the World

Globe Pequot Press, 2022

"The West will begin to understand Africa when it realizes it's not talking to a child?it's talking to its mother.?So writes Jeff Pearce ...

Online ár:

15 894 Ft

Eredeti ár: 16 730 Ft

Leturgie; Pearce; Morris: Lucky Luke 13. - Oklahoma Jim könyv

Lucky Luke 13. - Oklahoma Jim - Képregény

Pesti Könyv Kiadó, 2010

A fiú, aki gyorsabban lő csúzlival, mint a saját árnyéka. A sorozatnak ebben a részében hősünk gyermekkorát ismerhetjük meg. A kis Luke a...




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