Rosie Archer művei

Rosie Archer: The Ferry Girls idegen

The Ferry Girls

Vee Smith is 22 when she starts work on Gosport's ferries, taking a job left vacant by the men gone off to war. She soon makes friends wi...



Rosie Archer: The Gunpowder and Glory Girls idegen

The Gunpowder and Glory Girls

The war is drawing to a close, but the munitions girls are still hard at work in the factory. Gladys, who's been promoted to overseer, ha...



Rosie Archer: The Munitions Girls idegen

The Munitions Girls

1943, Gosport, Hampshire. Pixie Saunders is 19 and employed in the local armaments factory. Not for the first time, her mother has run of...



Rosie Archer: The Girls from the Local idegen

The Girls from the Local

Gosport, 1943, and even in the middle of war the local pub provides a warm welcome, thanks to its trio of barmaids. A heartwarming saga f...



Rosie Archer: The Narrowboat Girls antikvár

The Narrowboat Girls

Bástya Antikvárium

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Quercus, 2018

When the Second World War takes Britain's men away to fight, it is women who step up to fill the jobs left behind. From farms to factorie...

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