Ecology kategória termékei

Greta Thunberg: No One Is Too Small To Make a Difference idegen

No One Is Too Small To Make a Difference

Penguin Books LTD, 2019

'Everything needs to change. And it has to start today' In August 2018 a fifteen-year-old Swedish girl, Greta Thunberg, decided not to...

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2 032 Ft

Eredeti ár: 2 390 Ft

David Wallace-Wells: The Uninhabitable Earth idegen

The Uninhabitable Earth - A Story of the Future

Allen Lane, 2019

It is worse, much worse, than you think. The slowness of climate change is a fairy tale, perhaps as pernicious as the one that says it...

Online ár:

6 792 Ft

Eredeti ár: 7 990 Ft

Nestor, James: Deep idegen
Nestor, James

Deep - Freediving, Renegade Science and What the Ocean Tells Us About Ourselves

Profile Books, 2015

Covering a diving championship in Greece on a hot and sticky assignment for Outside magazine, James Nestor discovered free diving. He had...

Online ár:

7 284 Ft

Eredeti ár: 7 667 Ft

Bill Gates: How to Avoid a Climate Disaster idegen

How to Avoid a Climate Disaster

Allen Lane, 2021

In this urgent, authoritative book, Bill Gates sets out a wide-ranging, practical - and accessible - plan for how the world can get to ze...

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10 192 Ft

Eredeti ár: 11 990 Ft

DK: The Ecology Book idegen

The Ecology Book - Big Ideas Simply Explained

Dorling Kindersley Ltd., 2019

An accessible introduction to ecological science, with nearly one-hundred events and developments explained. Features quotes from leading...

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11 074 Ft

Eredeti ár: 11 656 Ft

Feldmeyer-Christe E.; Ghosh Sucharita; Podani J.: Modern Approaches in Vegetation Monitoring idegen

Modern Approaches in Vegetation Monitoring


This volume includes contributions to a symposium entitled State of the Art in Vegetation Monitoring Approaches and organized by the Swis...

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5 891 Ft

Eredeti ár: 6 930 Ft

Composting for Sustainable Agriculture idegen

Composting for Sustainable Agriculture

Springer International Publishing AG, 2014

The dramatic worldwide increase in agricultural and industrial productivity has created severe environmental problems. Soil and groundwat...

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68 452 Ft

Eredeti ár: 72 054 Ft

Perlin, John: A Forest Journey idegen
Perlin, John

A Forest Journey - The Role of Trees in the Fate of Civilization

Ingram Publisher Services, 2023

A Foundational Conservation Story Revived Ancient writers observed that forests always recede as civilizations develop and grow. The grea...

Online ár:

17 257 Ft

Eredeti ár: 18 165 Ft

Barclay, Maxwell V. L. - Bouchard, Patrice: Beetles of the World idegen
Barclay, Maxwell V. L. - Bouchard, Patrice

Beetles of the World - A Natural History

Princeton Univers. Press, 2023

Beetles make up about a quarter of known animal species and are arguably the most diverse group of organisms on Earth: almost 400,000 spe...

Online ár:

14 002 Ft

Eredeti ár: 14 738 Ft

Davies, Nicholas B. - Krebs, John R. - West, Stuart A.: An Introduction to Behavioural Ecology idegen
Davies, Nicholas B. - Krebs, John R. - West, Stuart A.

An Introduction to Behavioural Ecology

John Wiley & Sons, 2012

This textbook helped to define the field of Behavioural Ecology. In this fourth edition the text has been completely revised, with new ch...

Online ár:

25 978 Ft

Eredeti ár: 27 345 Ft

Jacques-Yves Cousteau: The living sea antikvár

The living sea


jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Pocket Books, 1964

Online ár:

2 500 Ft

Mamo Dubale, Yosef - Bekele, Afework: Ecology and Conservation of Mountain Nyala (Tragelaphus buxtoni) idegen
Mamo Dubale, Yosef - Bekele, Afework

Ecology and Conservation of Mountain Nyala (Tragelaphus buxtoni) - in Bale Mountains National Park in Ethiopia

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2013

Antelopes in Ethiopia are facing increasing challenges posed by anthropogenic pressures emanating from habitat destruction for human sett...

Online ár:

26 397 Ft

Eredeti ár: 27 786 Ft

World Conservation Monitoring Centre: Global Biodiversity idegen
World Conservation Monitoring Centre

Global Biodiversity - Status of the Earth¿s Living Resources

Springer Netherland, 2012

Global Biodiversity is the most comprehensive compendium of conservation information ever published. It provides the first systematic rep...

Online ár:

45 867 Ft

Eredeti ár: 48 281 Ft

Reise, Karsten - Lackschewitz, Dagmar: Strangers at the German Shores. Fremd an deutschen Küsten idegen
Reise, Karsten - Lackschewitz, Dagmar

Strangers at the German Shores. Fremd an deutschen Küsten

Klaas Jarchow Media Buchverlag GmbH & Co. KG, 2023

Immer mehr Algen und wirbellose Tiere aus Übersee werden in deutsche Küstengewässer verschleppt. Sie integrieren sich, aber verändern die...

Online ár:

8 598 Ft

Eredeti ár: 9 050 Ft

Emerging Issues in Fish Larvae Research idegen

Emerging Issues in Fish Larvae Research

Springer International Publishing AG, 2018

This book deals with the fundamentals of key physiological mechanisms involved in the development and growth of fish larvae. Chapters inc...

Online ár:

82 127 Ft

Eredeti ár: 86 449 Ft

Engel, Stefan - Fechtner, Gabi - Gärtner-Engel, Monika: The Global Environmental Catastrophe Has Begun! idegen
Engel, Stefan - Fechtner, Gabi - Gärtner-Engel, Monika

The Global Environmental Catastrophe Has Begun!

Mediengruppe Neuer Weg GmbH, 2023

Huge forest and bush fires, gigantic downpours, dying forests, floods, drought disasters, and tornadoes - almost daily reports of disaste...

Online ár:

6 208 Ft

Eredeti ár: 6 534 Ft

Biodiversity of Armenia idegen

Biodiversity of Armenia

Springer International Publishing AG, 2023

Armenia is a small landlocked mountainous country located in the Southern Caucasus. It is a typical mountainous country, having its lowes...

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77 603 Ft

Eredeti ár: 81 687 Ft

Keddy, Paul A. - Laughlin, Daniel C.: A Framework for Community Ecology idegen
Keddy, Paul A. - Laughlin, Daniel C.

A Framework for Community Ecology - Species Pools, Filters and Traits

Cambridge University Press, 2021

Offers a unifying framework for community ecology by addressing how communities are assembled from species pools.

Online ár:

21 943 Ft

Eredeti ár: 23 097 Ft

Wadham, Jemma: Ice Rivers idegen
Wadham, Jemma

Ice Rivers - A Story of Glaciers, Wilderness and Humanity

Penguin Books Ltd (UK), 2022

Longlisted for the Wainwright PrizeShortlisted for the Richard Jeffries AwardThe story of one woman's passion for glaciersAs one of the w...

Online ár:

7 277 Ft

Eredeti ár: 7 659 Ft

Finamore, Barbara: Will China Save the Planet? idegen
Finamore, Barbara

Will China Save the Planet?

Polity Press, 2018

Now that Trump has turned the United States into a global climate outcast, will China take the lead in saving our planet from environment...

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5 996 Ft

Eredeti ár: 6 311 Ft

Greta Thunberg: No One Is Too Small To Make a Difference idegen

No One Is Too Small To Make a Difference


'We are the change and change is coming' In August 2018 a fifteen-year-old Swedish girl, Greta Thunberg, decided not to go to school o...

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6 792 Ft

Eredeti ár: 7 990 Ft

Trouet, Valerie: Tree Story idegen
Trouet, Valerie

Tree Story - The History of the World Written in Rings

J. Hopkins Uni. Press, 2022

What if the stories of trees and people are more closely linked than we ever imagined?

Online ár:

9 225 Ft

Eredeti ár: 9 710 Ft

Fox, Brad: The Bathysphere Book idegen

Online ár:

7 292 Ft

Eredeti ár: 7 675 Ft

Baker, Carolyn: Apocalypse Anytime idegen
Baker, Carolyn

Apocalypse Anytime - An Interspiritual Devotional for a World on Fire

Apocryphile Press, 2023

In recent years, the term polycrisis has emerged to describe the tangled relationship between myriad crises on our planet and how they in...

Online ár:

9 789 Ft

Eredeti ár: 10 304 Ft

Imbler, Sabrina: How Far the Light Reaches idegen
Imbler, Sabrina

How Far the Light Reaches - A Life in Ten Sea Creatures

Hachette Book Group USA, 2024

Imbler profiles ten of the ocean's strangest creatures, drawing astonishing connections between their lives and ours and illuminating won...

Online ár:

10 051 Ft

Eredeti ár: 10 580 Ft

Porder, Stephen: Elemental idegen
Porder, Stephen

Elemental - How Five Elements Changed Earth's Past and Will Shape Our Future

Princeton Univers. Press, 2023

"Over the past four billion years of Earth's history, three organisms-cyanobacteria, plants, and humans--have altered the planet in profo...

Online ár:

12 222 Ft

Eredeti ár: 12 865 Ft

Kingdon, Amorina: Sing Like Fish idegen
Kingdon, Amorina

Sing Like Fish - how sound rules life under water

Scribe UK, 2024

A captivating exploration of how underwater animals tap into sound to survive, and a clarion call for humans to address the ways we invad...

Online ár:

9 443 Ft

Eredeti ár: 9 940 Ft

Percival, Maudslay Alfred: Biologia Centrali-Americana, or, Contributions to the Knowledge of the Fauna and Flora of Mexico and Central America Volume Atlas; Volume 4 idegen

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15 025 Ft

Eredeti ár: 15 815 Ft

Fletcher, Robert L: Brown Seaweeds (Phaeophyceae) of Britain and Ireland idegen
Fletcher, Robert L

Brown Seaweeds (Phaeophyceae) of Britain and Ireland

Pelagic Publishing Ltd, 2024

A comprehensive identification and reference guide to the brown seaweeds (Phaeophyceae) of Britain and Ireland with detailed descriptions...

Online ár:

53 839 Ft

Eredeti ár: 56 672 Ft

Bakker, Karen: Gaia's Web idegen
Bakker, Karen

Gaia's Web - How Digital Environmentalism Can Combat Climate Change, Restore Biodiversity, Cultivate Empathy, and Regenerate the Earth

The MIT Press, 2024

"This book explores how tools of the Digital Age might be mobilized to solve our most pressing environmental challenges, from climate cha...

Online ár:

13 299 Ft

Eredeti ár: 13 998 Ft

Challenges in Tropical Coastal Zone Management idegen

Challenges in Tropical Coastal Zone Management - Experiences and Lessons Learned

Springer International Publishing, 2023

This book focuses on tropical coasts, which are highly vulnerable due to a multitude of stressors. Population growth is substantial, habi...

Online ár:

82 127 Ft

Eredeti ár: 86 449 Ft

Bill Gates: How to Avoid a Climate Disaster antikvár

How to Avoid a Climate Disaster

Vonnegut Antikvárium

jó állapotú antikvár könyv


In this urgent, authoritative book, Bill Gates sets out a wide-ranging, practical - and accessible - plan for how the world can get to ze...

Online ár:

7 990 Ft

Haskell, David George: The Songs of Trees idegen
Haskell, David George

The Songs of Trees - Stories from Nature's Great Connectors

Penguin LLC US, 2018

The author of the Pulitzer Prize finalist The Forest Unseen visits with nature's most magnificent networkers - trees "Both a love song to...

Online ár:

8 348 Ft

Eredeti ár: 8 787 Ft

Haskell, David George: The Forest Unseen idegen
Haskell, David George

The Forest Unseen - A Year's Watch in Nature

Penguin LLC US, 2013

A biologist reveals the secret world hidden in a single square meter of old-growth forest--a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize and the Pen/...

Online ár:

8 344 Ft

Eredeti ár: 8 783 Ft

Thomas, David: The World Atlas of Deserts and Drylands idegen
Thomas, David

The World Atlas of Deserts and Drylands

Princeton Univers. Press, 2025

A richly illustrated atlas of the world’s deserts and drylands, their ecosystems, and their environments Deserts and drylands account for...

Online ár:

27 896 Ft

Eredeti ár: 29 364 Ft

Gotelli, Nicholas J. - Ellison, Aaron M.: A Primer of Ecological Statistics idegen
Gotelli, Nicholas J. - Ellison, Aaron M.

A Primer of Ecological Statistics

Sinauer Associates Inc., 2013

A Primer of Ecological Statistics, Second Edition explains fundamental material in probability theory, experimental design, and parameter...

Online ár:

68 521 Ft

Eredeti ár: 72 127 Ft

Keddy, Paul A.: Plant Ecology idegen
Keddy, Paul A.

Plant Ecology - Origins, Processes, Consequences

Cambridge University Pr., 2017

This book presents a global and interdisciplinary approach to plant ecology, guiding students through essential concepts with real-world ...

Online ár:

33 061 Ft

Eredeti ár: 34 801 Ft

Fox, Brad: The Bathysphere Book idegen
Fox, Brad

The Bathysphere Book - Effects of the Luminous Ocean Depths

Random House LLC US, 2023

"A gorgeous account of William Beebe's 1934 Bathysphere expedition, the first-ever deep-sea voyage to the otherworldly environment 3,024 ...

Online ár:

13 376 Ft

Eredeti ár: 14 079 Ft

Brandon, Matt - Gunton, Michael - Keeling, Jonny: Planet Earth III idegen
Brandon, Matt - Gunton, Michael - Keeling, Jonny

Planet Earth III - Accompanies the Landmark Series Narrated by David Attenborough

Random House UK Ltd, 2023

The official tie-in to the third instalment in the legendary Planet Earth franchise Few places on Earth remain untouched by humans, creat...

Online ár:

16 900 Ft

Eredeti ár: 17 789 Ft

Danovaro, Roberto - Snelgrove, Paul: Marine Biology idegen
Danovaro, Roberto - Snelgrove, Paul

Marine Biology - Comparative Ecology of Planet Ocean

Wiley John + Sons, 2024

Marine Biology: Comparative Ecology of Planet Ocean provides a learning tool to those who love the ocean to help them understand and lear...

Online ár:

49 546 Ft

Eredeti ár: 52 153 Ft

Mittelbach, Gary G. - McGill, Brian J.: Community Ecology idegen
Mittelbach, Gary G. - McGill, Brian J.

Community Ecology

Oxford University Press, 2019

An accessible introduction to community ecology which looks at the linkages between communities separated in space (metacommunity dynamic...

Online ár:

23 807 Ft

Eredeti ár: 25 059 Ft

Begon, Michael - Townsend, Colin R.: Ecology idegen
Begon, Michael - Townsend, Colin R.

Ecology - From Individuals to Ecosystems

Wiley John + Sons, 2021

A definitive guide to the depth and breadth of the ecological sciences, revised and updated The revised and updated fifth edition of Ecol...

Online ár:

30 033 Ft

Eredeti ár: 31 613 Ft

Hitchcock, C Leo - Cronquist, Arthur: Flora of the Pacific Northwest idegen
Hitchcock, C Leo - Cronquist, Arthur

Flora of the Pacific Northwest - An Illustrated Manual

University of Washington Press, 2018

Flora of the Pacific Northwest, first published in 1973, became an instant classic for its innovative style of providing species descript...

Online ár:

37 370 Ft

Eredeti ár: 39 336 Ft

Roman, Joe: Eat, Poop, Die idegen
Roman, Joe

Eat, Poop, Die - How Animals Make Our World

Little Brown and Company, 2023

"Reveals how ecosystems are sculpted and sustained by animals eating, pooping, and dying--and how these fundamental functions could help ...

Online ár:

13 718 Ft

Eredeti ár: 14 439 Ft

Laser-based Environmental and Process Measurement idegen

Laser-based Environmental and Process Measurement

Springer Berlin, 2019

This book presents an overview of the latest in research and development of laser-based and optical measurement techniques, which are uni...



Pierce, Nick: Woodland Wisdom idegen
Pierce, Nick

Woodland Wisdom - A Miscellany of Forest Facts, Fiction & Folklore

GMC Publications, 2025

Woodland Wisdom is a charming book filled with informative, fascinating and fun facts about forests and woodlands. Did you know that at o...



Strietman, Tai: Aquatic Habitats idegen
Strietman, Tai

Aquatic Habitats - Aquariums Inspired by Nature

Skyhorse Publishing, 2025

In Aquatic Habitats, Tai Strietman transports readers from their living rooms to wild and beautiful freshwater habitats around the world.



Morgan-Grenville, Roger: The Restless Coast idegen
Morgan-Grenville, Roger

The Restless Coast - A Journey Around the Edge of Britain

Amberley Publishing, 2025

Britain is defined by the dynamic, mysterious and fragile coastline that surrounds it. In this moving and beautiful account, Roger Morgan...



Collins Books - Johnson, Zoe: Weather Almanac 2026 idegen
Collins Books - Johnson, Zoe

Weather Almanac 2026 - The Perfect Gift for Nature Lovers and Weather Watchers

HarperCollins Publishers, 2025



Hobbs, N Thompson - Hooten, Mevin B: Bayesian Models idegen
Hobbs, N Thompson - Hooten, Mevin B

Bayesian Models - A Statistical Primer for Ecologists, 2nd Edition

Princeton University Press, 2025

A fully updated and expanded edition of the essential primer on Bayesian modeling for ecologists Uniquely suited to deal with complexity ...



Environmental Securitization in India and China idegen

Environmental Securitization in India and China

Springer Singapore, 2025

This book examines how emerging environmental challenges are situated within existing International Relations (IR) theoretical understand...



Attenborough, David - Butfield, Colin: Ocean idegen
Attenborough, David - Butfield, Colin

Ocean - Earth's Last Wilderness

Hodder And Stoughton Ltd., 2025

From the icy oceans of our poles to remote coral islands, David Attenborough has filmed in every ocean habitat on planet earth. Now, with...



MacDonald, Glen: Biogeography idegen
MacDonald, Glen

Biogeography - Introduction to Space, Time, and Life

John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2025

Introduce students to the diversity embraced by the discipline of biogeography, revised and updated throughout Biogeography: Space, Time ...



Damuth, John - Ginzburg, Lev R.: Nonadaptive Selection idegen
Damuth, John - Ginzburg, Lev R.

Nonadaptive Selection - An Evolutionary Source of Ecological Laws

The University of Chicago Press, 2025

"Ecologists John Damuth and Lev Ginzburg identify a specific evolutionary process in biology, which they call non-adaptive selection. The...



Relyea, Rick: Ecology: The Economy of Nature idegen
Relyea, Rick

Ecology: The Economy of Nature

Macmillan Learning, 2025



Bednarek, Renata Maria - Jankowski, Michal - &: The Soils of Poland idegen
Bednarek, Renata Maria - Jankowski, Michal - &

The Soils of Poland

Springer Netherland, 2025

This book gives an extensive characterisation of the soils of Poland, as well as information about soil-forming environment, soil cover d...



Hawken, Paul: Carbon idegen
Hawken, Paul

Carbon - The Book of Life

Penguin Publishing Group, 2025

A journey into the world of carbon, the most versatile element on the planet, by the New York Times bestselling author Paul Hawken Carbon...



Sea Otter Conservation II idegen

Sea Otter Conservation II - Nearshore Ecosystem Restoration

Elsevier Science, 2025

Driven to the brink of extinction by the maritime fur trade, sea otter recovery is a remarkable success story, one with broad implication...



Haiman, Aaron N K: Birds of the California Delta idegen
Haiman, Aaron N K

Birds of the California Delta

Heyday Books, 2025

An illustrated birding guide to the wetlands and developed areas of the California Delta-- Provided by publisher.



Dk: Chemistry 100 Ideas in 100 Words idegen

Chemistry 100 Ideas in 100 Words - A Whistle-Stop Tour of Chemistry's Key Concepts

DK Publishing (Dorling Kindersley), 2025

Chemistry: 100 Ideas in 100 Words offers the essential facts at your fingertips, satisfying your scientific curiosity and helping you to ...




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