Awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954, the American novelist and short-story writer Ernest Hemingway is a giant of modernist fiction. His succinct and lucid prose style exerted a powerful influence in the twentieth century, while his life of adventure and his public image influenced later generations of readers and writers. This comprehensive eBook presents Hemingway’s complete works, with numerous illustrations, rare texts appearing in digital print for the first time, informative introductions and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 1) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Hemingway’s life and works* Concise introductions to the novels and other texts* All the novels and short story collections published during Hemingway’s lifetime, with individual contents tables* Includes rare stories appearing for the first time in digital publishing* Images of how the books were first published, giving your eReader a taste of the original texts* Excellent formatting of the texts* Special chronological and alphabetical contents tables for the short stories* Easily locate the poems or short stories you want to read* Includes Hemingway’s rare poems – available in no other collection* Includes Hemingway’s non-fiction, including the seminal ‘Death in the Afternoon’* Features two autobiographies – discover Hemingway’s fascinating life* Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres Please note: two posthumous novels (‘Islands in the Stream’ and ‘The Garden of Eden’) and several late short stories are still in copyright and therefore cannot appear in this collection. Once these works enter the public domain, they will be added to the eBook as a free update. Please visit to browse through our range of exciting titles CONTENTS: The NovelsTHE TORRENTS OF SPRINGTHE SUN ALSO RISESA FAREWELL TO ARMSTO HAVE AND HAVE NOTFOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLSACROSS THE RIVER AND INTO THE TREESTHE OLD MAN AND THE SEA The Short Story CollectionsINTRODUCTION TO HEMINGWAY’S SHORT STORIESTHREE STORIES AND TEN POEMSIN OUR TIMEMEN WITHOUT WOMENWINNER TAKE NOTHINGTHE FIFTH COLUMN AND THE FIRST FORTY-NINE STORIESTHE FIFTH COLUMN AND FOUR STORIES OF THE SPANISH CIVIL WARMISCELLANEOUS SHORT STORIES The Short StoriesLIST OF SHORT STORIES IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDERLIST OF SHORT STORIES IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER The PlayTHE FIFTH COLUMN The PoetryHEMINGWAY’S POEMS The Non-FictionDEATH IN THE AFTERNOONGREEN HILLS OF AFRICANEWSPAPER ARTICLES The AutobiographiesHEMINGWAY, THE WILD YEARSA MOVEABLE FEAST Please visit to browse through our range of exciting titles or to purchase this eBook as a Parts Edition of individual eBooks
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Ernest Hemingway középiskolás évei épp olyan átlagosak voltak, mint bármely sablonos amerikai tinifilm. A Tabula nevű iskolai újságnál dolgozott, ahol megakadt a szeme a zenei szerkesztőn. A lányt Frances Elizabeth Coatesnak hívták, és bár eljutottak a randevúig, nem vele képzelte el az életét; talált egy komoly fiút, akivel el is jegyezték egymást. Hemingway bevonult a seregbe, és világhírű író lett, a lány Amerikában maradt, és ismert operaénekes.
The Kama Sutra, is an ancient Indian text widely considered to be the standard work on human sexual behavior in Sanskrit literature written by the Indian scholar Vatsyayana. A portion of the work c...
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