In a timeless realm cloaked in shadows, Thyana relished her solitary existence until the arrival of one known as Mother shattered her world. Suddenly, she discovers she is not the sole wielder of cosmic power. Mesmerized, Thyana witnesses the cosmic ballet as Mother forges three formidable siblings, each bestowed with their unique gifts, unveiling the vastness of her own isolation.Her boundless love embraces her newfound kin, yet it's the radiant Tepkunset, the Goddess of Light and Life, who captures Thyana's heart. As Tepkunset shapes the first humans with her divine abilities, Thyana battles the green-eyed monster of envy, struggling to mask her true emotions. With a burgeoning family, Thyana's commitment to protect them transcends even the gods' whims, even if it means shielding them from their own nature.As the clash between the Goddess of Light and the Goddess of Darkness looms over the fate of their creation, a cosmic conflict unfolds.What ensues when the divine sisters diverge on humanity's purpose in the world they meticulously crafted?Brace yourself for an epic tale where love, rivalry, and cosmic forces collide, unraveling the very fabric of existence.
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Children\'s and Household Tales (German: Kinder- und Hausmärchen) is a collection of German origin fairy tales first published in 1812 by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, the Brothers Grimm. The collection...
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